
7 Powerful Things That Every Spiritual Person Must Allow Themselves To Do

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1) Allow yourself to want what you want

For whatever reason we buy into the story that we always need to temper our wants and we need to be content with less than what we really want. If you believe in an abundant universe, then you know that you having what you want does not take away from anyone else. Everyone gets to choose to want what they want and do the work to create it – Just the same as you do. So how does holding yourself back, actually help anything?

I personally believe that your vision, your dreams, your desires come from a deeper place than just you. They come because the universe requires certain things to be manifest for it to continue the evolution process and guess who gets to do the manifesting – YOU!

As you allow yourself to live out the vision and dreams in your heart of hearts, it impacts the planet. So please stop holding back thinking you are being all spiritual and noble. It is spiritual to go after everything!

2) Allow yourself to change your mind

You may get to a place in life where the things that you used to want, you no longer want. Allow that to happen. You change, you evolve, you want different things and that is completely okay. Stop holding on to the desires of the past thinking that it is irresponsible to change your mind. CHANGE YOUR MIND, change your direction, allow yourself to grow and become more and different.

You may try to stay the same for loyalty – Stop it. You are only responsible for your own happiness and yes, some people may not be overly happy if you upset the balance of their life as you change but maybe, they need a shake up. They get to be responsible for their own reactions. Trust yourself enough to know when it is time to change your mind.

3) Allow yourself to go against the crowd

You are cut from a different cloth and you know it! And yet, there are times when you just wish you could fit right in with everyone else. Well, you do not. Stop trying to. Allow yourself to be your unique self and go against the crowd when you feel the call to do so. Let your inner voice be more powerful than the fear of what others will think of you. They do not see the vision in your heart.

Let your vision guide you. Do not stop to look to see what anyone else is doing – Just follow the intuitive nudge as Spirit within tries to lead you to the life you are born to live – One of fulfillment, happiness, abundance and more.

4) Allow yourself to cry

I made an inner vow once to never ever cry again. I was a hurt teenager and my father had said words that cut my heart open and I remember sitting on the bath promising myself never to allow anyone else to hurt me in this way again. That just meant that I bottled up all my emotions and lost touch with myself.


I healed, forgave and now I cry when I need to cry. You may think that you need to be stoic and hold everything together all the time…


It is okay to express yourself. It is okay to admit that you are hurting and it is certainly okay, male or female, to let it all out. Okay, maybe choose your moment but ultimately, allow yourself to cry when you need to.

5) Allow yourself to have fun

As adults, we forget to have fun. We thinking it is childish and yet, it is the childlike who inherit the kingdom – the kingdom being a life lived to the fullest. Remember what it was like to laugh and to not take everything so seriously. Become that person again. Enjoy life again. find the fun and laughter even in the direst of circumstances. Choose to have fun with your life.

And if life really is no fun, look at your life again and reinvent it! You are not created to just survive through life. You can thrive, you can enjoy it. You can create fun experiences. It is not frivolous to want to have lots of fun. Fun brings out creativity. Fun brings out the best in you.

Allow yourself to enjoy life again!

6) Allow yourself to say no

Saying "˜yes' all the time bankrupted me! Yes, literally. I learn to say "˜no' a lot more after that. Consider your life – Where do you keep saying yes? EVEN when you would rather say "˜no'. Who do you think you have to keep appeasing? Is it not time you took responsibility for your own happiness?

Be honest, some of the "˜yeses' you say lead to you feeling resentful and annoyed. So, why keep on saying "˜yes'?

Say "˜NO' more – You can always come back and say "˜yes' if you think better of it – After all you are now allowing yourself to change your mind right?!

7) Allow yourself to only hang around people who energize you

I know it seems selfish to do this but really, you have one life and each person does really need to manage their energy. Yes, there are times when people go through hard times and you may choose to support them through that – Great! but let it be a choice made out of love, rather than out of duty.

Never leave yourself thinking that you do not have a choice but to hang around people who bring your energy levels down. YOU always have a choice. You may need courage to walk away at times but you must understand that the life and the work you are here to play out on this planet is too important to sacrifice to feeling de-energized because of a duty you feel to someone. Choose YOU!

I have had to tell people directly that I can no longer be around them, sometimes people very close to me. Usually, only for a season as I gathered strength to forgive and handle my internal world so that i was not permanently reacting to them. However, it has meant that my relationships feel considerably better than they used to.

So, how are you doing with these 7?

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About the author

Rosemary Nonny Knight

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist feeling the life force draining from her as she daily did work that did not fulfill her. She chose to find a different way, started up successful businesses, left pharmacy and now supports other in making the transition to a more free, fulfilled, abundant and love based existence (The Deliberate Life). Find out more by downloading a free copy of her Amazon Bestselling Book - THE DELIBERATE MILLIONAIRE FREEDOM BOOK at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/freedombook

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