Event Recap

We marched for science and the climate!

We are all aware of the threats to environmental protection and community health, and assaults upon open government and transparent policy processes under the Trump administration. As Switzer Fellows, we had an opportunity on Earth Day 2017 to unite in support of our core belief that science, and scientific integrity, are essential to human health and our ability to live in harmony with the limited resources of the natural world. (Read more in Lissa's recent post,  Science in the Streets .) The Switzer Foundation was a proud partner of the March for Science on April 22nd.

Many Fellows also participated in marches around the country for the Peoples Climate Movement one week later, on April 29th.

View our Google Photo albums with pictures submitted by Fellows from events around the country:

March for Science

Peoples Climate Movement

Please see the archived  Google spreadsheet  to see who planned to attend events around the country and world.

Fellows, do you have photos from an event? Email them directly to  Lauren . If you tweeted, blogged, or were interviewed by the media, make sure  Lauren  knows about that, too.