18 Reasons You Don’t Have The Money You Want!

For the last several years I’ve been coaching conscious business owners in a variety of different industries, including fashion, design, PR, technology, self development, brick and mortar, direct selling and more, and while they all have different focuses and customers, their struggles are often the same.

Many people are struggling and not able to see how they are getting in their own way or missing the “how-to’s” to finally shift out of wantrepreneurship into entrepreneurship. They want an aligned, magnetic business but they don’t know how to create it, and…..since business is all about the money conversation (whether it be with clients, vendors, etc), there are common areas that business owners struggle with as it relates to money.

Here are the common money struggles that I’ve seen impact their businesses over the years:

  1. They believe that scarcity/lack happens to them (rather than making magic happen), and may even find themselves hiding behind their computer hoping that the client fairy will place customers under their pillow while they’re sleeping:)
  2. They want money but don’t align their actions to their desired outcome.
    Aligned Thought + Aligned Action = Aligned Results
  3. They focus on what they don’t want (rather than what they *do* want) and what we focus on expands (ie. lack of clients, no money, lack of opportunities, etc just become more pronounced)
  4. They don’t know what they *really* want therefore they only attracted confused/vague/unfocused energy to them and their business
  5. They think in a linear way rather than opening to creative possibilities
  6. They focus on obstacles/struggles, rather than what’s working. These obstacles serve as an energy of distraction front he work that they’re really here to do!
  7. They resent the success/wealth in others, and therefore block own. They also compare themselves and try to be like others rather than “just being themselves!”
  8. They associate with others trapped in poverty consciousness. Remember: you are the sum of the 5 people that you spend the most time with.
  9. They catastrophize everything, including their money situation, which leaves them in analysis paralysis (i.e.. limbo).
  10. They don’t ask for support (either because they feel that they’d do a better job on their own, fear be let down by others, or don’t believe that they are worthy of support) therefore blocking their receiving muscle.
  11. They live in all or nothing mentality, which is synonymous with lack and limitation. This up or down, in or out energy also creates the roller coaster effect in money and client flow, thus making you dizzy and fed up with your business.
  12. They don’t look money in the eyes, or any numbers for that matter, and can’t make sound business decisions and investments as the CEO of their company since they don’t know how much it costs to attract new clients, serve them, or what revenue is coming in each month.
  13. They struggle because struggle is their middle name. They’ve been taught that they can only have it all if they work hard, thus ensuring that every newsletter, bill payment and anything else associated with their business has to be hard (in order to prove the belief right).
  14. They let fear govern their life, hit a wall and don’t move past it. Is fear the CEO of your company or are you running the show?
  15. They don’t celebrate what’s good about their business and fail to practice an attitude of gratitude. I write a love letter to my business every day sharing with it what I appreciate, and write a gratitude journal daily (when I don’t, if I’m out of routine, I notice a dip in my business).
  16. They follow the pack and are easily influenced by others beliefs (particularly about money). I seem some people going to event after event, either to fit in or in hopes that they’ll finally had the information that will motivate them enough to implement, but instead they end of with a misaligned business model that looks like everyone else’s
  17. They have no money vision to guide them into their bigger why so that when they are in the day-to-day activities or their business, they become bored and unmotivated because nothing bigger is inspiring them to serve more and to allow more in.
  18. They are not taking *real* action to heal money story and invest in the support they know they need to finally bust through their money ceiling and create a conscious business that they love and attracts an abundance of clients and opportunities, while creating the kind of time and money freedom that they always wanted but thought it was for everyone but them.
Success Secrets
Some time back, a lot of business folks jumped on the bandwagon deriding the traditional ready, aim, fire approach to planning and decision-making. The thought process being that people were getting tied up in their underwear going ready, ad nausea, and never taking decisive certainly not a good thing. So instead, the pendulum swung to the other end of the spectrum. It became more fashionable to advocate shooting from the hip and taking action any action--for action sake. Hence, the rise of cowboy marketing .
Let's assume that you've got a really exciting, new product or service. Maybe you've come up with a unique new pitch and concept to re-price and/or rebundle your current products and services e.g. with a time limited offer. Let's assume that you've got the right target audiences chosen as well.
Now you're itching to pull the trigger on some a big promotional barrage to get the word out using direct mail, or print advertising, or email, or fax, or other media etc. or various combinations.
Before you pull that trigger and unload with your big promotional campaign, go over the following checklist so that you'll be ready for what may happen next-generation of leads, inquiries, and buy orders.
I keep seeing companies that finally get the itch to tee up some potentially good promotions. They've got a good solid product (or service), package, and price. But they ignore the needed preparation for what is going to happen next. They aren't ready because they have not carefully planned for the consequences. As I've mentioned so many times in previous Debunkers, Marketing is not just promotions. It's a team selling game with the end result being a buy.

So before you pull that trigger trying to hit new or existing clients for more business take check off the items below. Make sure that:

1) Your messages are consistent across all of your marketing vehicles

. For example, if you're doing a big direct mail campaign and print ad campaign directing people to visit your web site, you can't have a site that is filled with dated, conflicting product and/or pricing information. Nothing confuses and turns off a potential customer more than key messages that don't match up.
2) Your own people know about the campaign and how to respond to inquiries from new prospects and existing customers.
Develop a set of 10-15 questions and answers applicable for Sales and Administrative folks (and possibly IT or whoever else might field an inquiry). Do some informal testing to see if they are paying attention to the FAQ'S. Get them excited about the campaign-it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone in the company.

3) Your products are super easy to buy

. As Harry Beckwith says in his classic book, Selling the Invisible, Some Marketing experts recommend that in creating a direct mail program, you should devote half your time to creating the reply form. The same goes for any online ordering form and ordering process. You almost can't make it easy enough for your customers to buy. The buying experience needs to be fast, easy and understandable (without lots of complicated options and instructions), and minimally invasive (without gobs of extraneous information required).

Earn income selling options. Click here! 4) Your ordering and fulfillment systems work at scale

. If you're taking web-based orders, make sure that your tech folks have pounded on your ordering system and stress tested it for at least double the volume you might optimistically expect. Make sure that you've got enough manpower to handle the load of potential inquiries and orders and a contingency plan to ramp up just in case the business is a lot more than anticipated.
5) You have a plan for IMMEDIATE follow-up:
a thank-you letter, note, phone call or email and possibly additional valuable information based on key contact data that you are capturing about those new prospects. You've created some interest and a good impression ,now create some monies.

6) You've got the goods for delivery
. If you're selling physical goods of any type make sure that you've got the goods to deliver even faster than customers expect them. Customers hate back-orders.
All just common sense? Yes, but remember here, the point is NOT to over-plan, and wait, wait, wait to pull that trigger. It is though, to have the discipline to be ready and well prepared to handle the fallout of your promotional campaign(s)especially if you don't do a lot of promotions. Get ready and aim (but don't freeze up) before you fire, and you'll bring in a lot more quality prospects and sales. Or keep shooting from the hip with your promotions and watch your customers leave and competitors eat your lunch. Your choice.

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