KIWK - Kick It with KenyaPromotes Public Health Awareness, Leadership and Empowerment to Youth through Soccer

The Mission

Kick it with Kenya (KIWK) is an annual youth conference in Kenya that combines a soccer tournament with public health outreach and promotion of leadership through a common enthusiasm for soccer. The program provides public health awareness, HIV testing and counseling as well as vital health examinations to diagnose malnutrition, parasites, etc.

The Need

Rural villages are home to many orphan-headed households where the eldest is often struggling to support his or her siblings. With all of the challenges youth face living in a rural village, the Kick it with Kenya soccer tournaments provide young people with a fun and positive activity that not only distracts them from their everyday challenges, but also provides vital health services.

The Approach

Through a week-long conference held every August in our partner communities in Kenya; youth receive public health, HIV/AIDS, and environmental education, conducted by local  Youth Outreach Mentors clubs and local chapters of the  Environmental Youth Action Corps .

Local agencies provide health checkups and everyone is encouraged to be tested to know their HIV status.

During the week, soccer teams compete for a trophy and KIWK T-shirts. The public is invited to attend the games where half-time messages of peace, empowerment and other inspirational topics are delivered.

In the News

Read Alison Stewart’s article,  “Soccer is the Medium” , in the June/July 2009 issue of  Soccer Coaching International magazine.

How You Can Help

Volunteer to coach, train, work with the local public health team, or just root for the players every August.

Your donation of $27 sponsors one participant by providing them with a uniform, room, board and sports equipment.

Your donation of $297 sponsors a full team of 11 players.