5 Survival Tips For Camping Novices

Camping is a fun, relaxing and memorable outdoor adventure. Connecting with Mother Nature, hiking and watching the stars at night while sitting by the campfire, is simply therapeutic. For inexperienced campers, however, leaving the comfort of your house to sleep outside in a sleeping bag can seem scary and intimidating. With adequate preparation and a few expert tips, you can achieve the perfect camping experience and enjoy your outdoor break to the fullest.

Let’s look at 5 survival tips for camping novices.

  1. Choose Your Campsite Wisely

If you are new to camping, it is important to choose your campsite wisely. Your campsite will greatly determine how much you will enjoy your camping experience. Identify a location that is safe, warm and dry. Nothing feels worse than discovering that the campsite you chose flooded due to heavy rain and the facilities available are wanting. Ask for recommendations from family and friends on sites that are novice friendly.

  1. Make A Checklist

Before you set off on your camping expedition, it is important to make a camping essentials checklist to help you gather everything and stay organized. Use your checklist to pack and tick off everything that gets into your bag. A checklist will ensure that nothing gets left behind. Start packing early in advance and update your checklist if needed to ensure you carry everything.

  1. Pack The Right Gear

The right camping gear is of utmost importance to a new camper. Pack light but ensure you bring along the most important pieces needed for your camping trip. Carry warm clothing for the night. The weather could change drastically for the worst. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the gear before you go camping. Practice how to set up your camping tent in your backyard. Check if your sleeping bag fits just right. These important steps will help you survive and enjoy your first camping trip.

  1. Buy A Big Enough Tent

If you want to be comfortable during your camping adventure then buy a bigger tent than what you actually need. Sleeping in a crowded tent with limited space will leave you cranky and drain your enthusiasm. Ideally, you should carry a head height tent that allows you to comfortably stand up inside it. Most tents are foldable and can easily fit in the trunk of your car.

  1. Carry Your Own Portable Toilet

As a camping novice, having to run to the nearby woods every time the need to use a toilet arises can be stressful. That is why it is important to purchase your own portable toilet before leaving for the camp. Portable toilets are relatively inexpensive and hygienic. The new models are exceptionally light yet they are as good as your home toilet. Having a portable toilet will also prevent hygiene and sanitation problems that could arise from contamination from human waste.


I do hope that these 5 survival tips for camping novices will help you make your first camping trip enjoyable and memorable. Need to purchase a camping toilet? Home Worthy Listhas reviewed the best portable and camping toilets for 2018 on this page . Check out this comprehensive review and find the camping toilet you are looking for.

How Long Does Fishing Line Last?

If you are a new fisherman, a question may come to your mind: how long does fishing line last? If you ask this question to a seasoned angler , he too will be unable to give a clear answer to this question. It is because there is no set of rules or criteria that help someone to figure out the lifespan of a fishing line. The longevity of a fishing line depends on several factors like the type of fishing line one is using, the materials from which the line is manufactured, and the proper maintenance of the line. Let’s discuss these factors in detail.

How Long Does Fishing Line Last? 

Fishing carp reel close-up on the background of water and fishing rods in a bright Sunny day. Background.

Factors That Determine the Longevity of a Fishing Line

The Type of Fishing Line

The type of fishing line you are using will give you a good idea regarding the durability of the fishing line. There are different types of fishing lines out there. These include braid, monofilament, and fluorocarbon.


Among all types of fishing lines out there, braid fishing lines come with the highest durability. If something did not happen unexpectedly, a braid fishing line could last up to a decade.  Happening something unexpectedly means since fishing itself is quite unpredictable, so is happening of incidents like tangling of fishing line with a submerged object that may require you severing the line. So no matter whether you are using a tough fishing line like a braid, a sudden incident can drastically reduce the lifespan of a fishing line.

One common mistake of many people regarding braid is when they see their braid is losing color, they think that the line is worn out and needs to be replaced. But, it’s a wrong idea because a particular color does not stick well to a braid that quickens the fading of it. So discoloring the braid does not tell anything about the endurance of the line.

Braid receives harsh treatment from rods guides if they are sharp and chipped. They eat away your braid unnoticed. The bale of your reel may also limit the lifespan of your braid. If the bale has sharp chipped edges, your braid may be snapped anytime. One effective technique you can apply to increase the lifespan of your braid is flipping the line on the fishing reel. If a flipping task is difficult for you, go to a tackle shop. It will do the task for you. Or you can do it yourself. Transfer the line to a spare reel or object. Then transfer the line to another spare reel or object. When you spool the line back to the reel again, the line will be ready to use.


This is the most popular type of fishing line. Fishermen simply call this fishing line mono. The monofilament line is like a long continuous cord that is made of nylon or synthetic fiber. Since monofilament is one single strand. The line comes with a nice stretchable property when subject to pull. How much stretch the monofilament can withstand is indicated by a parameter which is called test. The text refers to the amount of poundage that the line can sustain before the breakage.

Though monofilament is the most popular type of fishing line among other types of lines, it takes the least amount of time to turn into a bad line. It does not resist the wear and tear resulting from exposure to elements and UV rays for a long time. One important tip for fishermen who use monofilament is to change the line once in a year to ensure getting trouble-free fishing experience. The durability of a monofilament line also depends on the proper use of the line and the extent of abuse you exert on it.


This line is 3 to 4 times stronger than monofilament. In other words, it’s strength is similar to monofilament. So, you can apply the similar care and maintenance procedure as you do for monofilament. The longevity of a fluorocarbon line is not a big issue since the line is mostly used as a leader which often undergoes frequent changes. Fluorocarbon has a structural similarity with monofilament. Like monofilament, it’s one continuous strand of the line but since the line is made of polyvinylidene fluoride, it is much stronger than monofilament.

Though fluorocarbon is much stiffer than that of monofilament, one limitation of this line is it does not wrap well around a reel. But this is a minor limitation of this fishing line while fluorocarbon is a number one choice of many fishermen due to the fact that the line supports all fishing conditions-whether it is saltwater fishing or freshwater. Its Near invisibility coupled with the rigid stiffness of the line makes it a highly efficient line to catch different types of fish species like walleye and bass. If you want to use a fluorocarbon line, choose your fluorocarbon line after reading reviews of products of several brands.

Another plus point of Fluorocarbon is that UV rays can’t damage the line. So this line does not lose its shape over time allowing anglers to catch fish for a long time. Unlike monofilament, fluorocarbon lines are a bit heavier but they are easy to spool, and using them is hassle-free.

When to Replace Fishing Lines

It depends on your fishing habits. Based on the type of fishing line you are using, follow below replacement recommendations

  • Don’t use braid if it has been sitting idle for 10 years
  • If you only enjoy weekend fishing, replacing it 3 to 4 years is fine
  • For moderate fishing- replace the line twice a year
  • If you involve in heavy fishing, the line needs to replace every year
  • Don’t spool monofilament if it is not in use for 2 to 3 years
  • For weekend fishing, replace it once a year
  • For moderate fishing, replace it 2 or 3 times each year
  • For a heavy fishing change, it more frequently likes 3 or 4 times in every year
  • Discard the line if it has not been used for the last 7 years
  • For weekend fishing, it is fine to replace in 2 or 3 years
  • For moderate fishing, the frequency of replacement need to exceed a couple of times in each year
  • For a heavy fishing change, it quite often likes 2 or 3 times each year.

5 Must-Have Hunting Tools You Need To Prepare Before The Next Hunt

You have an upcoming hunt and it’s time to prepare. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned hunter, a male hunting enthusiast or a woman hunter , it’s important to bring the right hunting tools and gears. Wrong choices can spell the difference between a successful and a failed hunting adventure. Researching ahead of time is, therefore, crucial.

5 Must-Have Hunting Tools You Need To Prepare Before The Next Hunt
Hunter and hunting dogs chasing in the wilderness

There are certain tools and gears that should really make the cut in your list of must-haves. Take a look at them below.

  1. Hunting Backpack

A hunting backpack is just what you need if you want to take that next big step into hunting. First of all, hunting backpacks are designed for one purpose only, and it’s for hunters to have the best quality equipment on them for whatever they’re doing, and hunting in a backpack lets them do just that. They’re also designed to be lightweight and easy to pack away in your vehicle.

A hunting backpack is perfect for someone who doesn’t want to feel like a wimp while hunting. It’s also perfect for those that don’t have the physical strength to carry around all of their equipment. There’s no need to spend hours and days carrying around the same gun, gear, and clothing every time you go out and go hunting. Hunting backpacks are designed to take everything you need for the entire hunting session in a compact manner. The backpack will be big enough to hold everything necessary for you to successfully hunt, but small enough to fit you comfortably and give you the mobility you need.

2. Electronic Hunting Call

If you want to attract an animal when hunting, there’s no better way to do it than to trick the creature into thinking it’s approaching one of its own prey or species in distress. You can lower the guard of an animal on top of attracting the creature to you when you use an effective hunting call. If you’re a photographer, getting a photo becomes easier. If you’re purely a hunter, it becomes possible to get a good shot.

Note that hunting calls actually come in several variations. Some are operated using breath, creating an elk’s bleat or duck’s quack. Others are using specialty rattles to create noise similar to what antlers make when they’re clattering as their bucks tussle. If you’re looking at snow geese for your next hunt, check out Decoy Pro and its guide on how to make a snow goose electronic caller.

Remember that using electronic hunting calls effectively takes practice and patience. If you improperly use these devices, it can scare an animal away instead of attract it.

3. Hunting Binoculars

What’s the significance of a hunting binocular?  This item is used by hunters in order to see their target and track it down. Without a hunting binocular, hunters will have a very hard time locating their target. Most hunters don’t really understand the significance of this device. They’ll only realize its importance when they’re already out hunting for their next kill. With a hunting binocular, hunters can have a clear view of their target and are able to make better shots than they could without it.

The importance of a hunting binocular when hunting should never be underestimated. If you want to get the most out of your hunting trip, you’ll want to invest in a great hunting product like this one.

4. Rifle Scope

There are many rifle scopes available for hunters today. You just need to know what to look for and where to start looking. If you’re going hunting in the woods, you should definitely have a rifle scope with an adjustable reticule. The great thing about this scope is that you can adjust it at any time during the day or night so that you can find the perfect spot to shoot in. If you’re hunting in a small area, then, you should also have a scope that’s made for the purpose. You don’t want to go hunting in a big field only to find out that the scopes in there don’t do what you want them to.

Having the proper scopes for your hunting needs will pay off for you in the long run.

5. Hunting Knife

A hunting knife has many functions other than the simple cutting and skinning of the prey. There are many types of hunting knives: the Bowie knife, the buck knife, the folding hunter knife, and the hunter butterfly knife, among many others.

Hunting knives are very important, whether you’re using a rifle or crossbow for hunting . They’re used to ensure that there’s no confusion during the entire hunting process, and that the hunting and skinning go smoothly.

Final Thoughts

Most people who go hunting have no idea what tools they must bring with them. Hunting is such a specialized activity that it’s important to make sure you have everything in your toolbox that you can use to make sure you don’t mess up your hunt. You wouldn’t want to waste all your time and ammunition and end up not getting a successful kill because you don’t have the right tools with you. This could end up costing you more money than intended.

66% Don’t Have Enough Supplies to Last Three Days in Quarantine

An alarming new study has found that despite the wave of panic buying taking place across the country, two in three Americans say they don’t have enough supplies to last three days in quarantine. 

The study analyzed data from over 3,000 respondents and used the Department of Homeland Security’s recommendation to have at least three days of food and emergency supplies on hand at all times. According to the study, 72 percent of Americans didn’t have this supply before COVID-19 became prevalent. During the peak of the COVID-19 crisis, 66 percent still did not have this supply. 

Because these Americans don’t have enough for three days, we must assume they’re grocery shopping more often. This presents a serious risk, especially considering that visiting public places puts shoppers at higher risk of exposure to the virus. 

All this being said, it’s possible that a severe lack of preparation before and during the outbreak is resulting in the continuation of the virus over time. 

Here is the three-day list of essential supplies the Department of Homeland Security suggests having on hand during an emergency: 

  • Water (one gallon per person per day, for drinking and sanitation)
  • Food (non-perishable)
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Extra batteries
  • Whistle (to signal for help)
  • Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape (to shelter in place)
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
  • Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)
  • Manual can opener (for food)
  • Local maps
  • Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery

Here are the recommended additions to your three-day emergency kit: 

  • Cloth face coverings (for everyone ages 2 and above), soap, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes to disinfect surfaces
  • Prescription medications
  • Non-prescription medications such as pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medication, antacids or laxatives
  • Prescription eyeglasses and contact lens solution
  • Infant formula, bottles, diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream
  • Pet food and extra water for your pet
  • Cash or traveler’s checks
  • Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records saved electronically or in a waterproof, portable container
  • Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person
  • Complete change of clothing appropriate for your climate and sturdy shoes
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
  • Mess kits, paper cups, plates, paper towels and plastic utensils
  • Paper and pencil
  • Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children

For more information on disaster preparedness, use these resources .  

Fishing for Survival

Back when humans still lived in caves, we’d catch fish with our bare hands. Fish were a staple part of our diet, and would give us the energy we needed to get through the day.

As a species, we still enjoy fish – but they’re generally caught on a mass scale. However, you might find yourself in a situation where you need to catch a fish in order to survive.

Luckily, fish thrive in most lakes, rivers, ponds and the ocean – so wherever you are on the globe, you’re probably going to be able to catch some dinner.

Knowing how to fish can be the difference between life and death, so keep reading for a guide on how you can catch fish for survival, without a fishing rod .

Why Fish?

One fish could sustain you for a whole day, spread across as many as three meals.

Fish is a generally low fat food, rich in omega-3 fatty acids which is great for your body and your brain.

fishing to survive

Fish are also full of protein, which is the building block of our bones, muscles, skin, and blood. Protein is a necessity if you’re hoping to survive in the wild. Protein promotes muscle growth, and helps maintain muscle mass.

On average, one fish provides around 19.5 grams of protein per 100 grams, which is almost as high as the amount of protein found in steak per 100 grams.

If you’re near the ocean, then you’re in luck – as you can eat most ocean fish raw. This is great, especially if you don’t have any fire-lighting equipment.


Fish can be difficult to catch at the best of times, even with the most hi-tech equipment and gadgets.

In a survival situation, the key is to keep your head on your shoulders and stay calm. Remember these fishing tips, and you should be able to catch fish with little-to-no equipment.

Hand Fishing

Hand fishing is just about as primitive as fishing gets, and can be a life saving action if you have no supplies whatsoever with you.

If you’re desperate for food, you may be tempted to wade into the water and try to grab a fish yourself.

hand fishing

This sounds like an ideal solution when you can almost taste the fish, but it’s a bad idea. You could get hypothermia from standing in the cold and wet clothes for hours. You’re far safer keeping dry.

Lie down with your arm in the water, and wait. That’s all there is to it. You must stay as still as possible and let your arm adjust to the water temperature. Fish will sense that your arm is warmer than the surroundings, so keep your arm submerged until it cools down and stops radiating heat.

When your arm has cooled down, nearby fish will most likely assume its a rock or vegetation, and swim near it without caution.

Then you should do a “come hither” motion with your finger, and chances are, the fish will mistake your finger for a struggling worm or insect.

Try to fight your instinct to just grab the fish by the torso, and instead, grab the fish from under the gills. The hard cartilage and bone there make it the perfect area to get a strong grip of the fish.

Once you’ve got a good hold of it, throw it onto the shore/ river bank – you’ve caught your dinner and you’ll live to see another day.

Fish Spear

Spearfishing can be a difficult task, and has a relatively low success rate due to lack of technique. It requires patience and concentration, so be sure that your head is in the game before you submerge yourself.

The best place to spear a fish is in a shallow and enclosed body of water, like a pool or pond – where the fish can’t really get away from you. Shallow water is also a perfect location as it means your body won’t be fully submerged, which means less chance of getting hypothermia.

The good thing about spear fishing is that you can do it with virtually no equipment – even a stick could impale a fish.

Once you’ve spotted the fish, aim for the skull – where the spine connects. This is the most humane way to kill a fish, as it kills the fish instantly and is virtually painless.

Fish Wall

Creating a small wall will block the fish and prevent them from escaping your grasp. This works best in a river – you dam the river a few feet after a bend, so the fish won’t even realize that the river flow has been obstructed.

fishing methods

You can create this wall with either stones, rocks, or sticks. The fish will keep circling, swimming near the dam – so you can successfully grab the fish with your hands, or spear it with whatever sharp object you have to hand.


You can successfully catch fish with no equipment – if humans could do it thousands of years ago, why can’t we do it today?

Learning how to catch fish is the key to surviving in the wilderness – it’s possible to survive off fish alone.

Hopefully you won’t ever need to use these tips, but if you do, they could save your life.

Happy surviving!

Survival Quote Series

Throughout the year we will be posting some of our favorite Survival Quotes, we hope you enjoy and SHARE them.

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Would you be able to survive a natural disaster? YearZeroSurvival.com
Where can you learn more about survival skills? 

answer: YearZeroSurvival.com
If you were the last one left, could you survive?
People will do amazing things to ensure their survival
Learn, Adapt, Survive. Year Zero Survival
Survival is tough, but it is a bit easier if you are prepared. - YearZeroSurvival.com
Best Survival Quotes featured at Year Zero Survival
Be Prepared - YearZeroSurvival.com
Survival Quote Series - Year Zero Survival

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What to Look for in a Survival Tent

One of the most important pieces of equipment you’ll need for survival is a reliable and heavy-duty tent. When it comes to survival, the best shelter will not only keep you protected from the elements, but it will also give you a comfortable place to take cover for the night.

Every keen survivalist needs a well-designed tent. However, tents come in all shapes and sizes, so you’ll need to do your research before you pick one up.

There is such a wide variety of tents on the market, making it difficult to know exactly what to look for when choosing a tent for survival purposes. A tent to last in any survival situation needs to do more than stay put against the wind.

Take a look at our tips to find out how you can choose the best survival tent for you!

Strong and Sturdy Materials

Some might argue that durability is the most crucial feature of a good survival tent, and we can’t really disagree too much. However, how much a tent can withstand all comes down to the materials used for its construction.

survival tent 1

There are several materials survival tents will be made from, but you can typically expect to find either canvas, nylon, or polyester designs.

Nylon and polyester are more commonly found, and they’re ideal for survival and wilderness environments due to their lightweight feel. These materials might not be heavy, but that doesn’t stop them from delivering a heavy-duty performance. They are generally highly resistant against tears and rips, and usually have a water-resistant layering to add to their toughness.

Polyester is also an excellent choice if you’re looking for something with UV resistance, as this material often has a UV-resistant coating already built-in, preventing your tent from suffering sunray damage.  

Canvas, however, is often considered to be stronger and sturdier than plastic materials. However, it is worth considering the difference in weight compared to other tents. Canvas tents will be heavier, and are likely to take up more space in your bug-out bag. When it comes to survival, you’ll need to consider whether this would be an issue for you.

As well as being durable and long-lasting, the best survival tent will be breathable and well-ventilated. Ideally, your tent should have windows and more than one door if it is built for over two people. This will help to allow the air to flow properly inside, and allows the temperature to be better regulated.

Lightweight and Compact

As we’ve discussed with regards to the material of the tent, the weight should be a factor to look for when choosing a tent for survival.

You should consider how long you’re likely to be in the wilderness for as a way of determining how heavy your tent can be. Generally, the longer you’re going to be traveling, the lighter your tent will need to be, as you’ll have to carry it around with you for longer. You won’t want to exert too much energy by carrying around an unnecessarily heavy tent for days on end.

Many modern tents are built with this in mind, and will be made as lightweight and compact as possible. Some tents will be specifically designed to fit inside a survival kit , and can roll up easily for a comfortable carry. However, I’d advise being slightly wary of these tents, as their focus on being lightweight can sometimes mean a lapse in quality, and they can instead feel flimsy and useless.

The overall size and shape of the tent also shouldn’t be overlooked. Not only should it not weigh your bag down, but it should also be able to actually fit inside. You might be thinking that a tent will be the heaviest and largest piece of survival gear you’ll have to carry around, but with the compact tents available on the market right now, that isn’t necessarily true.

This will also depend on the amount of people you’re planning on having in your tent, as a larger group will inevitably require a larger tent.

Resistant to Water and Wind

A tent that isn’t able to handle heavy rainfall might as well not be worth having. There are many ways a tent’s waterproof capabilities are enhanced, and one way is through the seams. Look out for taped seams, which ensure that no water can seep through and you can remain dry inside the tent.

Many tents’ waterproof level is indicated by a ‘Hydrostatic Head’ rating, which can usually be found in the tent’s specifications. A higher Hydrostatic Head rating highlights a stronger tent that can handle greater amounts of water.

In addition to being waterproof, a sturdy tent will of course be able to resist blowing away in the wind as well. Try to find tents that use sturdy poles for their construction, preferably made from metal such as aluminium. This will prevent the tent from collapsing at the slightest breeze.  

survival tent 2

Number of People in Your Group

You’ll need to consider how many people are going to have to sleep in the tent, as this will be a determining factor in deciding which tent is right for you.

However, whether it’s a single-person tent you’re looking for, a family-sized one, the tent will need to be comfortable and spacious to allow for a rejuvenating sleep in the wilderness. It’s important to consider the height of the tent, as while a taller tent provides more room to move around freely, it can be more noticeable in the outdoors, which isn’t great if you’re trying to keep a low profile.

If you’re anticipating being in a survival scenario with a large group or with several family members, then there’s no escaping the fact that you’ll need a big tent. However, you may find it’s more efficient to go with two 2-Person tents , as opposed to carrying one family-sized shelter instead.

Although 2-Person or single person tents are a convenient choice, you’ll need to consider how breathable and comfortable they are. Look out for smaller tents made from materials that promote ventilation, such as nylon or polyester, for a less restrictive feel.

Useful Extras for Survival

Many of the best, high-quality survival tents will come equipped with extra features to make your life easier in the outdoors.

Ideally, your chosen tent should have additional storage space included, often in the form of mesh pockets. These can be used to store smaller items that you’ll need easy access to, such as a flashlight or a folding knife. This helps to keep items within easy reach, but also saves you from unnecessarily using floor space for gear storage.

survival tent 3

Another common feature found with survival tents is the addition of one or more vestibules, depending on its capacity. While vestibules may seem like a weighty extra to fit into your survival backpack, they will be incredibly useful in the wilderness. You can’t always anticipate the weather conditions, and this feature helps to shelter your survival gear from the elements.

For survival purposes, you should also consider a tent with a reversible fly. This is a useful feature to have, particularly in the wilderness, as the option of a darker or lighter color means you can change the color of your tent’s exterior to camouflage with the environment. This can also help to protect you from potential threats, as well as giving you privacy when you need it the most.


A survival tent is one of the most important pieces of equipment you’ll purchase in your preparation for survival, so it is essential that you know exactly what to look for. If you’re serious about survival, it is undoubtedly worth investing in a high-quality and well-constructed tent, that you can be sure won’t fall apart during tough times.

We hope this guide has helped you in making your decision, and now you know just what to look for in a survival tent! If you’re interested in reading more of our articles, check us out at Survival Front for more survival-related tips and product reviews.

Thanks for reading!

Key Ways To Prep and Save Money On Your Survival Gear

Camping, hiking, and hunting can test your survival aptitude. But, of course, before heading to these activities, it’s important to equip yourself with the right knowledge and skills in order to become a true survivalist. Also, it’s crucial to prepare your gear to ensure safety and a more enjoyable overall experience.

However, premium quality survival kits and gear don’t come cheap. So check out some ways you can save money on survival equipment by reading below.

How do you save money on survival gear?

Take Advantage of Online Promos and Discounts

When going on a survival journey, make sure that you have all the right equipment to help you get through emergency and life-threatening situations. Remember that essential survival gear can make a big difference in terms of your personal safety and of the people around you. That being said, make certain that you purchase only high-quality survival equipment that can withstand harsh elements and great impacts.

One of the best ways to save money when buying essential survival gear is by using discounts or promo codes such as  Palmetto State Armory discounts . But, where can you find such?  Good thing there are promo sites that are readily accessible to make your search a lot easier.

Here are the benefits of using online discount codes or coupons when purchasing your survival gear:

  • Stack Coupons and Discounts: You can use multiple discount codes on some of your purchases. For instance, you can get a 5 percent discount on the item price of a portable water filter to ensure safe drinking water in the wild, plus a promo code for free shipping.
  • High-quality Survival Gear at a Lower Price: The best thing about using promo codes is that you don’t have to pay for the full price of premium-quality survival gear, such as survival boots, knife, and rifle. You can use your special discount codes to get them at more reasonable prices that fit your budget.
  • Save Time and Effort: Bring with you the best survival gear you purchased at a discounted price online. You don’t have to search every manufacturer’s website to get some special deals because online coupon sites serve as a one-stop shop for all your promo needs.
  • Peace of Mind: Because your survival equipment can be pricey, you are assured that you can rely on them whenever you need them, most especially during emergency situations.

Invest in High-quality Survival Gear

By spending money on quality survival gear, you can save more money in the long run. Whether you need new hunting shoes, cutting gear, binoculars, tarp, or sleeping bag, make sure to consider quality over the price. While you can save with cheap survival gear for the upfront cost, you wouldn’t want to risk your health and safety with poorly made products that easily get damaged after one or two days of use.

Here are some tips and tricks when assessing the quality of survival gear:

  • Check the Stitches: Stitching should be consistent and tough for survival gear made of fabrics, such as survival shoes, pants, jacket, and even tarp and tents.
  • Know the Make: For metal survival gear, such as a knife, rifle, and other hunting tools and supplies, make sure that they don’t rust right away, and maintenance should be minimal.
  • Know the Functions: For devices, such as cooking tools, ensure that you purchase one with multiple functions allowing you to save resources, like cookware that allows frying, boiling, baking, and steaming food at the same time.
What to look for in high quality survival gear.

Testing and Proper Use of Survival Gear

You don’t have to purchase new survival gear every time. By investing in high-quality items and taking care of them through testing and proper use will surely save you a lot of money over a long period of time.

When choosing the best survival gear, you need to prioritize food, fire , shelter, and water. Make sure that your survival kit carry items that meet your basic needs. Also, you need tools that aid in security, self-defense, stealth, and shelter building. However, make sure that you also know how to use these equipment to avoid self-injury or causing harm to other people as well as to wildlife

Here are some tips when testing and using survival gear:

  • Read the manufacturer’s instructions regarding proper use and maintenance tips.
  • Check the duration of battery-operated devices to ensure they will last for a couple of days before they need recharging. Solar chargers are very helpful in the wild.
  • Watch video tutorials or join survival courses to learn how to use survival tools and equipment properly and efficiently, and to develop and enhance your survival skills.

ConclusionThere’s no secret in survival–you just ought to survive no matter what. But, you need to be prepared with the right tools and survival gear, along with the right survival knowledge and skills. Of course, the prices of survival tools and equipment can be tough on your budget, but using promo codes can help. Also, investing in high-quality survival gear and using them properly can save you money in the long run.