Benefits of Rainwater Collection

To say that water is a precious natural resource in this world is an understatement. There have been many stories told about how people have survived on water alone in the most dire circumstances. Water sustains life, not just human life but all life on earth. However, there is a growing worldwide concern on the limited supply of water that we use.

Collecting rain water to live on.

People living in Australia , considered as one of the ‘driest continents in the world’,  have learned to harvest rainwater to supply their household needs using it for just about everything from drinking, to cooking, to bathing, doing laundry, irrigating the fields and whatever else that might normally be done with water.rain water

Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation, collection and distribution of rainwater for use in the household and, in some cases, in the work place. If done properly rainwater makes for a safe and sustainable supply of water , not to mention it being very economical as it can effectively eliminate paying monthly water bills. It also makes you self-reliant when it comes to water supply because people who harvest rainwater are not dependent on the water companies especially during the times when it has to be rationed due to lack of supply common during the summer. Having your own rainwater harvesting system would ensure you a steady supply of water all year round.

Not only is rainwater free, but with its natural quality most also believe it is safer than those supplied by some water companies which often collect water from dams which is chemically treated to make it potable . With rainwater being chemical-free, it makes for a healthier option.

rainwater has many useful benefits

Aside from its economic benefits, investing in rainwater harvesting can also be socially and environmentally beneficial. As noted earlier, having your own rainwater harvesting system makes you self-reliant by allowing you to supply your own water needs, meaning you would become one less person who will be dependent on the government and water companies for water supply. There would then be no need to build more dams and to install more pipes, the cost of which will eventually find its way to your taxes. Rainwater harvesting also lessens the accumulation of water in creeks and other water habitats especially during a storm, which is one of the many factors that contribute to damaging these natural water habitats.

Essential to rainwater harvesting then is the installation of a good system wherein the rainwater is accumulated on the roof and channeled towards a tank for storage. There are many tanks to choose from but a good one should be able to save you money, easy to install, effectively store water without making your home look incongruous and cost less in maintenance.

5 Tips to Purchasing Gun Safe Dehumidifiers

Protect your guns, ammo, and gear.

Every household that owns a series of firearms should have a gun safe installed within the premises. Gun safes help to secure your firearms and eliminate the risk of unauthorized access. However, excessive humidity can gradually percolate into the safe, causing metal components to rust. Too much moisture also leads to warping of wooden parts and development of unsightly molds.

To prevent the accumulation of moisture, it’s important to purchase a gun safe dehumidifier . Such units are frequently used to eliminate dampness, ensuring that your safe remains dry and mold-free.

Here are 5 tips to purchasing gun safe dehumidifiers:

  • Choose the right type

Dehumidifiers are essentially of two types: electric and desiccant dehumidifiers. The former type works by generating enough heat to evaporate all the moisture that exists within the gun safe. Most people prefer electric dehumidifiers because they’re highly effective in overly humid environments. Desiccant dehumidifiers, on the other hand, use absorbent elements to soak up all the moisture within the safe. They work just like a sponge. These dehumidifiers are perfect for those individuals who want to save up on electricity. Silica gels are often used to absorb humidity.

  • Consider your budget

It’s important to have a certain price range in mind before purchasing a gun safe dehumidifier. Desiccant dehumidifiers are generally more affordable than their electric counterparts. In addition, they will not spike your monthly electricity bill and you won’t keep worrying about purchasing replacement parts for them. Electric dehumidifiers are more luxurious and effective at eliminating excessive humidity compared to desiccant units, making them widely popular. Your financial situation will determine your ultimate choice.

  • Level of humidity

Some regions experience extremely humid conditions while other places are only mildly humid. The place you live will certainly influence your decision when buying a gun safe dehumidifier. Electric units use a heating element to vaporize any trace of moisture within your safe, making them perfect for highly humid environments. Desiccant dehumidifiers would best suit you if the level of atmospheric humidity is low where you live. When it gets too humid during the summer, consider getting an electric dehumidifier to offer added protection to your gun safe. keep ammo dry

  • Product warranty

In case the gun safe dehumidifier you purchase is defective or gets damaged, the manufacturer should offer a free repair or replacement service as stipulated in the product warranty. Some companies offer full lifetime warranties for their dehumidifying units while others offer limited warranties. It’s wise to consider the terms of warranty of your preferred dehumidifier. This way, you can confidently return it when something unprecedented occurs.

  • Ease of installation

Some dehumidifiers come with a complicated set of instructions that make it extremely difficult to set up. A good gun safe dehumidifier should offer easy installation guidelines. If you find yourself scratching your scalp in utter confusion, seek help from an experienced professional. You can call customer support to help you out, or request for a technician to come over and install the dehumidifier on your behalf.

These few tips will help you purchase an exquisite gun safe dehumidifier that suits you.

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25 Survival Uses For Duct Tape

Over the past 70 years of its existence, this staple product of fix-it-your-selfers has been used by virtually every walk of life, for jobs that I’m sure the duct tape developers never imagined. So how can we use it for survival ?

he many uses for duct tape in a doomsday prepper situation.

Here are 25 survival uses for duct tape, in no order whatsoever.

1. Repairing a cracked water bottle or a pierced hydration bladder.  A little strip of DT is the next best thing to a bandage for an ailing water vessel. Just dry the surface before you try to tape your patch in place, most forms of duct tape don’t stick to wet surfaces.

2. Survival arrow fletching.
 Tear off a few 5-inch pieces, and a long edge of one piece to the arrow shaft, fold the tape lengthwise, and stick the other long edge of that piece to the arrow. Repeat this process one or two more times; trim the vanes to shape with your knife ; and you will have a serviceable arrow fletching.

3. Butterfly bandage strips.  Cut two small strips of DT, and add a smaller strip across their centers (sticky side to sticky side) to create a makeshift butterfly suture .

4. Make cordage.  Twist one or several lengths of duct tape into a cord or rope.

5. Patch a hole in canoe . I wouldn’t trust my life to this one, but it’s been done more than once.

6. Fashion a belt.  When you are starving in the wild, and your pants start falling down, run a piece of DT through your belt loops and stick it to itself in the front. Overlap it about 4 or 5 inches and you’ll still be able to peel the belt apart when nature calls .

7. First aid sling.  Fold a length of DT down the middle, so that it is half the original width and no longer exposing a sticky side. Use the strap to make a sling for a busted arm.

8. Leave a note.  Write on it with a Sharpie, or use strips to form letters.

9. Handcuff alternative.  If someone is acting up during a survival emergency, you can duct tape their hands together around a tree to prevent them from becoming a danger to themselves or others.

10. Mend shoes and clothing.  You can skip the sewing class, if you have enough duct tape.

11. Repair your glasses.  The tape on your glasses my look a little nerdy, but at least you’ll still be able to see.

12. Attach shelter elements.
 Just a few trash bags and some duct tape, and you have a survival shelter roof, or a sleeping bag cover, or a wind break, or…

13. Attach survival gear.  Tape a spark rod to the side of your knife sheath , and you’ll always have a back-up fire source .

14. Make a hat.  If you believe what you see on TV, the “Mythbusters” guys made a pretty nice looking hat out of duct tape on a recent episode.

15. Afix bandages.  Place a sterile dressing over your wound, and strap it in place with DT. Hopefully you’re not too hairy where you got injured.

16. Fix your rain gear.  Keep the dry stuff dry, and keep the water out, by mending your ripped rain gear with a few strips.

17. Make a drinking cup.  Some creative folding and sticking can result in a cup you can drink from .

18. Make a spear.  Strap your knife to a pole and you have a trusty spear to fend off beasts, or make one into your dinner.

19. Blister care.  Cover the blistered area with a bit of cotton gauze, and tape over the cotton. Make sure that the duct tape fully covers the cotton and doesn’t touch the blister at all.

20. Mark a Trail.  Use it to blaze a trail or signal for rescue, especially if your DT is brightly colored or reflective.

21. Make emergency repairs on your Bug Out Vehicle.
 Leaking hoses and windows that won’t stay up don’t stand a chance against the mending powers of duct tape.

22. Keep the feathers in your sleeping bag.  If you have a hole in your down sleeping bag, the feathers will pour out faster than excuses from a politician. Patch the hole with DT.

23. Keep your tent closed.  A damaged zipper could leave your tent door flapping in the wind. Stick the door shut, and keep the bugs and critters out.

24. Splint a leg.  A broken ankle or leg can be stabilized with ample splint material, padding and duct tape. Pad the crotch of a forked branch with some cloth and duct tape to fashion a quick crutch to go with your splint.

25. Splint a broken tent pole or fishing pole . By taping a stick to the broken area of your tent pole or fishing rod, you might just get one last adventure out of it.

Tell us your best duct tape trick or survival strategy in the comments.


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