Why Become a Yoga Teacher? – Purpose

Why Become a Yoga Teacher? – Purpose

yoga instructor courses By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500

Just last week, I was asked, “At this point, what is your goal in life?” This question came from a respected colleague and fellow Yoga teacher. My answer came right away: “I want to spread the word about Yoga , because if everyone faithfully practiced it, we should be in a state of world peace.”

Maybe it is just my blind optimism, but Yoga has already done so much good for this world. Can you imagine a world, where dictators began to practice Yoga, and peacefully sat down to peacefully negotiate with their people and other countries? If you practice any form of Yoga, on a daily basis, you realize the changes within are gradual; but change for the best is a natural result of the journey.

You see the changes Yoga has made in the lives of practitioners around you, but imagine them on a global scale. Now, let’s consider your dreams, aspirations, and goals. Do you have a life purpose? Do you clearly know what your life goals are? Do you know what holds you back from pursuing your dreams?

Many people have a list of reasons why they cannot succeed in reaching their objectives. The most common reasons could be age, financial status, work obligations, travel, and responsibilities at home. Some of us believe we were born to fail.

It is this acceptance of doom, which some people feel they deserve, that holds the majority of us back from going after our dreams. In some families, the acceptance of doom becomes a state of pessimism or depression. One respected member of a family unwittingly creates a pessimistic “domino effect.”

This family leader unknowingly steers an entire family toward lives without purpose. The way we view life – is the picture we paint. Each of us has a choice, because the picture we paint is our visualization of life around us, and it becomes our reality.

This also happens in the workplace, where the mantra becomes: “That will never work.” It is part of human nature to take the sure bet. People believed the world was flat, flying is for the birds, and going to outer space was just science fiction fantasy.

The truth is: For anything to happen is either a matter of luck or planning. To become a Yoga teacher is not a matter of luck. It requires motivation, planning, and the desire to engage in studies, in order for one to develop the skills to teach classes. Most of all, teaching Yoga classes gives us a deep sense of purpose.

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