How to Learn More about Yoga for Less

How to Learn More about Yoga for Less

how to become a yoga instructor By Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500

When you think about attending a Yoga teacher intensive , what thoughts come to your mind? Do you think about the rewards of learning more about Yoga, and spending time with people who share your passion for a holistic lifestyle? What holds you back from attending a Yoga conference that will benefit you? Nine times out of ten, Yoga teachers and serious practitioners are concerned with cost, obligations, or both, when considering attending an intensive or a conference.

It has been said that knowledge is power. With the power of the online Yoga teacher community, you can learn more about Yoga for free, or very close to it. Imagine an online community that is ready to share Yoga information with you 24 hours per day and is open seven days a week. This information sharing helps you, and the Yoga community, make the world a better place.

A Yoga teacher community is not just for instructors. These are social networks where anyone is encouraged to ask questions, research, or share ideas. You may share your own ideas or ask questions through Yoga forums, Blogs, or Email. An ideal community will have a newsletter – where you can set your subscription rate to receive one, two, three, four, or five newsletters per month.

This allows you to expand your knowledge when you have time. The power of collective thoughts, and being part of a community, will give you insight into new approaches. At the same time, A Yoga instructor community should have online videos with lectures, instructions, and demonstrations. This allows you to “think outside the box,” rather than repeat the same techniques and wonder if you completely understand them.

No matter where you live, or how far you live from the nearest town, you can be connected to the Internet by satellite. While making a great leap forward in your Yoga education, you can interact with experts, from around the globe, instead of “spinning your wheels” alone. As you make progress in learning more about Yoga, you are in a better position to help others who want to improve their lives.

Online Yoga teacher communities are structured to give you reliable information. A wide variety of viewpoints about teaching issues, techniques, and research, will be open for discussion. Learning more about this evolving practice is now possible, in an instant, as the worldwide community of Yoga teachers has joined together on the Internet.

© Copyright 2010 – Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

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