Restorative Yoga for Depression Relief

Restorative Yoga for Depression Relief

yoga certificationBy Gopi Rao

Being depressed is a painful and difficult way to go through life. Depression can make you feel unable to handle everyday tasks. When you are depressed, you may feel tired much of the time, lose the desire to socialize or be intimate. Depression gives you a general, overall feeling of hopelessness, sadness and guilt.

Restorative Yoga can help as it gently releases the negative energy that is lodged in your body and mind. A nourishing, restorative class will help you to replace the negative energy with positive energy as the supported postures allow the body and mind to release deeply held tension and stress.

Practicing restorative Yoga will lower cortisol levels and raise endorphin levels through the deep, slow practice of holding Yoga postures (asanas) for an extended period of time. The release of endorphins helps to ease aching muscles through the natural pain relief of these chemicals.

The release of endorphins will also give you a sense of buoyancy, so often missing if you are feeling depressed. Lowering your cortisol levels will help you to sleep better at night because your adrenalin levels will begin to stabilize. Think of the saying, “I’m exhausted, but I’m so wired, I can’t sleep!” Gentle Yoga training sessions will help to “un-wire” you.

One of the primary ways that restorative sessions address depression is through gradually correcting your alignment. When you are depressed, it is difficult to stand up straight with your head held high and your heart-area exposed.

Instead, the inclination is to withdraw into your shell with your head down and your heart-area caved in. Therapeutic asanas will gently correct your alignment so that your pranic energy flows freely, and you feel more relaxed.

Additionally, a restorative practice addresses depression through the oxygenation of your entire body through long, slow, and rhythmic breathing, while your body is holding supported poses (asanas) with lots of blankets and bolsters. Shallow breathing is one of the primary indicators of depression.

During a restorative session, the studio should be pleasantly warm, comfortable and serene. This atmosphere will assist you in relaxing and slowing down enough to breathe deeply. The practice of deep breathing will help to break up residual tension and stress in your body.

If you practice Yoga training at a studio, you will also benefit from socializing with other students. Isolation is one of the leading causes of depression. Actively participating in any social activity offsets this isolation.

Restorative sessions have the added benefit of directly supporting your physical and mental health through the practice of postures and deep breathing. Truly, the practice of therapeutic Yoga is beneficial as a holistic approach to maintaining good mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Aura has a reasonably priced Restorative Yoga teacher training course, which can be found at:

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