Practice of Yoga – Can it Really Change Your Life?

yoga teacher trainingBy Sangeetha Saran

With its focus on asanas, breathing, and meditation, Yoga training is ideal as a catalyst for changing your life. As the practice becomes ingrained in your life, the way you see and respond to situations begins to change. The benefits of practicing asana, pranayama, and meditation, go beyond the physical, to the emotional and spiritual; thereby helping you truly transform your life.

Physically, Yoga has the power to help with transformation and healing, no matter what one’s starting point is. Hatha Yoga is known to improve many minor and major medical conditions. Asana practice focuses on building muscle tone, promoting flexibility, strength, and correcting posture.

Yoga is ideal for those suffering from arthritis, muscle pain, back pain, multiple sclerosis, and many other conditions. It is also helpful when treating heart disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, cancer, hypertension, thyroid disease, and many other illnesses that have become common in our society. Yogic practices have even been recommended when there are fertility issues.

The benefits of Yoga do not end at the physical level. Through restorative asanas, other free-standing poses (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama), Yogic techniques have the power to transform your whole life, from the inside out. Yoga heals the entire body as it heals the mind. The end result is a new and optimistic outlook on life.

The breathing exercises and meditation often included in a typical class are a perfect complement to the asanas that heal and restore the body. These breathing exercises and meditation sessions are helpful in restoring the inner calm after a hectic day.

Stress is one of the biggest health concerns affecting people physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Through breathing exercises and meditation, Yoga training helps to offset that “fight or flight” response so common to humans.

In fact, through these same exercises, mood definitely improves, as well as the ability to concentrate, in the moment, on your goals, and on your life. Yogic methodology has even been reported to facilitate the bonding process between people, encouraging people to trust each other, as well as helping to improve learning skills and memory capacity.

The practice of asana is not just another physical exercise. Though your body becomes stronger as you practice it and it is often used to help physical performance, the true gift is how deeply rooted its calming benefits are applied toward your life, putting you on a path to a more restful, positive life experience.

© Copyright 2011 – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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