Yogic Meditation with a Partner

best yoga teacher certification course By Faye Martins

In modern Yoga training meditation isn’t given the credit it deserves. Meditation is a terrific tool. It fosters compassion, patience, generosity and forgiveness for both yourself and for those around you. Because of this, partner meditation is a great way to strengthen a relationship . Conversely, having the support and encouragement of a partner while meditating can help deepen the meditative state of each individual. It should be noted that although “partner” is often used to connote a romantic relationship, your meditation partner does not necessarily have to be your significant other. Any two people of similar mindsets who are open to the bonding experience (such as mothers and daughters, mentors and students, and friends) will benefit.

Choose a quiet, peaceful area to practice. This could be outdoors or even a clear space in your house. You can choose to lower the lights, light candles or incense, and maybe even play some peaceful music on a low level in the background. There is no “right” way to meditate with a partner, just as there is no “right” way to go about a solo meditation session . What follows are several different techniques you can explore and alter to fit you and your partner’s preferences.

Back to Back

Sit back-to-back with your partner, supporting each other equally. Take deep, slow breaths. Relax into a common rhythm. Experiment with one partner exhaling as the other inhales, and vice versa. Paul and Marie Jerard also do a supine head-to-head variation of this, with the lower legs elevated on a folding chair (blankets are on the seats and a blanket may be under the head, depending on the natural tilt of the cervical spine). The knees and hips are set at 90 degrees and your crown chakra is about six inches away from your your partner’s crown chakra.

Eye Contact

Sit facing your partner, as close as comfortably possible. Look directly in to each other’s eyes. Attempt to “see” each other fully, without judgment or expectation . This can be an unexpectedly difficult exercise. Don’t be discouraged if you or your partner giggle or even cry. Sometimes, meditation can bring about emotional reactions. Set a timer for 5 to 10 minutes and simply experience the connection.

Energy Exchange

Sit facing each other with eyes closed. For the first part of the meditation, each partner places their hands in prayer position at their own heart chakra and meditates on summoning up a deep well of love. Focus on feeling love deeply and wholly until it is spilling out of your being. Next, cup your hands together between you. Relax into the shared experience.

As with any meditation practice, make sure to give yourself time to come out of the meditative state gradually. Remember a consistent practice is a strong practice, be open to the experience, and have trust in your partner.

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