Marketing Tips for Corporate Yoga Teachers

corporate yoga teacher By Bhavan Kumar

Yoga teachers offer a combination of methods to strengthen a practitioner’s mind and body. Whether a student desires increased flexibility or to learn a variety of breathing exercises, a yoga teacher can provide step-by-step instructions. Several promotional methods may be used for marketing a corporate yoga training program

Corporate Wellness Programs

Corporate executives are increasingly searching for ways to build an employee’s moral, level of fitness, enthusiasm and overall level of health. It is widely understood that healthier employees are likely to have better attendance records and greater degrees of physical and mental stamina. Yoga combines many of the aforementioned attributes that corporate executives seek within career-oriented employees. Corporations that display a favorable proportion of health employees may receive lower health insurance rates too. A marketing strategy that promotes the positive attributes of yoga should resonate with executives who want to establish a corporate wellness program. 

Benefits of Group Yoga Sessions 

The benefits of group yoga sessions could appeal to many corporate executives. For example, a yoga teacher could mention the amount of motivation that it might require for the typical employee to utilize a company’s stationary fitness equipment. While some employees may exhibit a solo commitment toward a fitness routine, other employees may be too exhausted or too stressed to maintain a regular workout schedule. Reinforcing the benefits of a certified yoga instructor who teaches relaxation methods, breathing exercises, body cleansing and other wellness components is an ideal marketing approach. Group yoga sessions may be instrumental in building the camaraderie among corporate employees. Marketing the savings for hourly group sessions versus the average cost per session for individual participants might appeal to corporate executives too. 

Promoting a Yoga Business 

A variety of materials may be used to help promote a yoga business. However, selling to local companies will usually require a relentless commitment to marketing. A yoga teacher may offer onsite instruction for private or group sessions. Some yoga teachers may provide a discount for company employees who want to train within a yoga studio. 

Marketing Materials For a Yoga Instructor 

Getting the word out about corporate yoga instruction is necessary to build a yoga instructor’s client base. Use marketing materials such as direct mail, postcards and newsletters to inform local executives about professional yoga instruction . Build a website that describes the benefits that yoga students receive. Including web-based testimonials from companies nearby may be used to help enhance a yoga teacher’s credibility. A combination of marketing tips for corporate yoga teachers may be needed to achieve certain results.

© Copyright 2014 – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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