About Us

Welcome to the Berrien County Sheriff's Office website. The Berrien County Sheriff's Office is a progressive, technologically advanced agency geared to meet the needs of the residents of Berrien County. As a leader in law enforcement and corrections programs, our members provide solid, proven service to the community. Sheriff Bailey and his staff continue to be devoted to the concepts of protection for and service to the public.

At this site you can find out who we are, interesting facts about our office and important safety information.


The Mission of the Berrien County Sheriff's Office is to enforce the laws of the state and county, safeguard life and property, prevent and detect crime, preserve the peace, and protect the rights of all citizens. We will serve all citizens with fairness, integrity, respect and compassion with out discrimination of any persons or groups.

Contact & Feedback

Thank you for viewing our website. We have included updated information, press releases, wanted fugitives , calendar of events, Department history , multimedia , and a kid's space. We would welcome feedback. You may contact the office at 269-983-7141, or by email .