Why is Nelson County Life free?Because we are priceless.

Who is The Afton Group?
Contrary to popular belief, we are neither a law firm nor a halfway house. Perhaps, we may one day morph into a halfway house for lawyers. But until then, The Afton Group is the parent company of Nelson County Life . It is made up of publishers Tommy and Yvette Stafford, Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford, Angelo the cat, and beagles Jerky and Nick.

How can I get listed under NCL Advertisers?
You must be a current advertiser in Nelson County Life . Check out our rates .

I’m an advertiser but my name isn’t listed under NCL Advertisers. Why?Do you have a web site? Then email us.

I love weather. Can I join the NCL WeatherNet?Maybe, maybe not. Email us at weather-at-nelsoncountylife-dot-com

One of your weather sites is down! What do I do?We love technology, We hate technology. Please email us at weather-at-nelsoncountylife-dot-com and thank you in advance for noticing.

How do I become a columnist/writer for Nelson County Life ?Sorry, but we are not seeking columnists/writers at this time.

My mother says I am destined to be a famous photographer. Will you publish my pictures?Maybe, maybe not. Email us at info-at-nelsoncountylife-dot-com and send us a link to your photo site.

Why won’t you print my press release?Because printing press releases verbatim is lazy. The others guys may do it, but we don’t. We like to add our own touch to stories. If you send us a release, we may use it as background for a story.

Is it true Tommy Stafford is related to Pat Sajak?No. Yes, they were both TV weathermen in Tennessee but no, they don’t share genes.