Dr. Edward Adlesic

Did you know the average adult has 32 teeth, but the average mouth only has room for 28? These ‘extra’ four teeth are called third molars or wisdom teeth.  When there is not enough room for them to erupt correctly they can cause pain and other problems. With a thorough exam and x-ray I can determine if you would benefit from having your ‘extra teeth’ removed.

~ Dr. Edward Adlesic

Please call our  Monroeville  or  N. Huntingdon  office to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Adlesic.

  • Dentistry Type:

    Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Anesthesiology

  • Office Location:Monroeville and N. Huntingdon
  • University:University of Pittsburgh, Bachelor of Science 1975, Master of Science 1976
  • Dental School:University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, 1980 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Advanced Training:General Anesthesia, Board Certified, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
  • Interests & Hobbies:Travel