A Quick And Easy Back To School Style Craft – Notebook Paper Tote Bags
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Simple teacher gifts - cute personalized tote bags that are easy to make!  Back to school time can be crazy. You’re trying to buy a million school supplies, make sure all the kids have hole free socks and underwear and chances are that you’re trying to figure out how to juggle new schedules. That’s why I’m sharing these easy 5 minute tote bags with you.  Make them for a teacher and gift them to them at the beginning of the year, packed full of school supplies. Or let your younger child help you make one as a fun library tote. 5 minutes. Super cute. Tons of fun. School spirit for the win. Here’s what you’ll need to make these 5 minutes tote bags. This post contains affiliate links.  How to make simple reading tote bags, great for library or teacher giftsTo start you’ll need a basic blank tote bag . These are easily found in any craft store or even the new craft aisle at Target has them. Usually they are sold 3 for $10. You’ll also need Fabric Markers. This was the first time I had used these fabric markers by Tulip but I really loved them. Not only were they the most affordable, they worked perfectly and the colors were bright.  In addition you’ll need a ruler, pencil and a paper printed with the name or message that you would like to put on the tote bag.  You need to have the name printed in the size that you would like it when finished.  I used 120pt sized font.  You’ll start with the rule and red fabric marker. how to make a simple tote bagOn the outside edge of one of the handles, position the ruler vertically and in a straight line. Simply use your ruler to make a straight line with the red marker.  That’s how easy this project is. Your first step is done. Keep the ruler in the same spot and mark a small blue dot every two inches down the length of the bag. These will be the guides for your blue lines. how to make a notebook paper lined tote bagUsing the dots you made as a guide and the ruler, draw straight blue lines horizontally across the bag.  You’re halfway done.how to make a notebook paper lined tote bagNow take the paper that has the printed name or phrase and flip it over. On the back (only behind the printed letters) heavily rub the pencil over the entire area. You want it to be dark and even behind all of the letters. You can hold the paper up to the light to make sure that you have covered all of the letters. How to make a personalized tote bagNow flip over the paper and position the words where you want them to be on the tote. Using your pencil, trace over the words you want to transfer to your bag. Gently pull back the edge of the paper and check to see if you can faintly see the transfer. The lead that you colored on the back of the paper should leave a faint copy of the words behind.how to make a personalized tote bag - great gift ideaNow with your black fabric marker, trace over the words. It will look like it was store bought but it wasn’t!cute personalized totes - great teacher gifts!And believe it or not, that is all! You can change up the words to just have a fun phrase if you don’t want to put a name on the bags.  I made one that says “reading is fun” for us to use for our library books.  If you love these totes don’t forget to check out the Easy Heart Tote or the Celery Rose Tote.  Notebook paper tote bags - 5 minute craft that's easy to make 
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