Watermelon Lemonade – Summer is Coming!
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easy watermelon lemonade recipes using equalSummer is coming! Can you feel it in your bones? I can see it on my AC bill.  Since we live in Houston we’re already getting some really warm days. The truth is though that it’s going to get hotter and the watermelons are going to get juicier.  Who doesn’t love watermelon? Have you ever added it to lemonade? Well now you can! It’s a delightful drink that will make you want to do backflips off the diving board into the pool. You know what the say to do when life hands you lemons right? You make lemonade. watermelon lemondadeThe great news is that life gives you more than lemons.  Every summer you know that you’re going to get some beautiful red juicy watermelons.  Unless you live in Houston and your watermelon plants are currently underwater because of all the heavy rain.  We will just have to buy our watermelons this year instead of grow them since watermelons are not amphibious. watermelon cut up for watermelon lemonadeWe’ve actually already bought a few watermelons this year and none of them have lasted very long. Watermelon is just plain yummy. So is this lemonade recipe. So let’s get with it shall we?  Watermelon Lemonade Recipe: You’ll need:
  • 6 lemons
  • 1/2 small seedless watermelon
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 cups of water
  • sprig of mint (optional)
Start by juicing the lemons. Strain the lemon mixture through a fine mess strainer and into your serving pitcher. Add the 2 cups of water and sugar and stir until all the sugar is dissolved.  Cut up half of the small seedless watermelon into cubes. Place in a blender and blend and then strain through a fine mesh strainer. You’ll need about 5 cups of watermelon juice. You can use more or less for taste.  Add to the lemon mixture and stir well. Chill in the fridge or serve over ice.  If you want a slightly different taste, add a sprig of mint to the pitcher and let chill. You can also get wacky and use brown sugar or raw sugar.  Just make sure you stir until all the sugar is well dissolved.  That’s how easy this recipe is. Pour it into your DIY Mason Jar Travel cup and hide from the heat.  It’s the perfect drink when you’re hot and just want to lay on the veranda while your kids fan you. That’s how life is supposed to be. Right? Easy and Quick Watermelon Lemonade recipe 
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