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Citation Management

Information about citation management, as well as EndNote, Mendeley and Zotero.

Mendeley's Logo  Mendeley is a citation management software provided by Elsevier.

Key Points:

  • Free for space up to 2GB and one private group
  • Upgrades to more storage space or more private groups start at $4.99 a month or $55 a year
  • Cloud plus software
  • Compatible with Word
  • Read and Annotate PDFs
  • No phone/tablet application as of March 2021
  • Looking for the legacy Mendeley tutorials?

We recommend

Creating New References


1. Click on the "add new reference button"

2. Select "add entry manually"

3. Select the type of reference you're trying to add

4. Fill in the known fields

5. Click the blue add entry button

From a PDF

1. Click on the "add new reference button"

2. Select "file(s) from computer"

3. Locate and select the PDF you would like to add

4. Fill in the known fields

5. Double-check that Mendeley has pulled the metadata from your reference correctly

Web Import Button

1. Add the  Mendeley Importer  to the browser of your choice

2. On the webpage you would like to site, click on the Mendeley Importer button

3. Check the metadata that Mendeley pulled from the website, correct/fill in any missing information

4. Click Save

Helpful Hint: When using the web import button or when adding references to Mendely's website in conjunction to the desktop client, you need will need to sync your account to download the new references. To do this, click on the sync button within the desktop client.  

Editing References

1. Click on the reference you would like to edit

2. In the details panel (right-hand side), click on  the fields you would like to edit

3. When you're done editing the reference, click elsewhere in your library

Removing References

1. Use the checkboxes to select the reference(s) you would like to remove 

2. Press the delete button that appears at the bottom of the screen

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