
About Us

The Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Dartmouth College - a federally mandated committee with the charge of overseeing institutional research projects involving human participants. The CPHS serves as the IRB for Dartmouth College. The mission of the CPHS is to protect the rights and welfare of research participants.

The CPHS invites questions, suggestions, comments, concerns, or complaints from any individual who may be involved or observes research activities conducted by investigators at Dartmouth College. This invitation extends to research participants and their friends and family members, as well as investigators, research and clinical staff, students, employees, and local community members.

CPHS  Staff

Ann O'Hara, Director: Ann O'Hara

Kimberly Lyford, Senior Human Research Analyst: Kimberly Lyford

Kelly Tanguay, Senior Human Research Analyst: Kelly Tanguay

Rachel Bibeault, Senior Human Research Analyst:  Rachel Bibeault

Nicole Hewett, Program Coordinator: Nicole Hewett

Institutional Official for Human Subjects

Dean Madden,  Vice Provost for Research