For All Things Missoula, Montana

The Story Behind the "M"

The "M" is 620 feet above the Missoula Valley floor. It is 125' feet long and 100' feet wide. University of Montana forestry students cut the switchbacks into the side of the hill in the early 1900's. The first "M" was assembled out of whitewashed rocks in 1909, and given a fresh coat of paint by freshmen every year, until 1968, when all those rocks were cemented together with concrete.

Photo by Nelson Kenter,

Archive for the ‘Sustainable Living’ Category

Early Preparation for Christmas is the key to Savings

By ERIN TURNER- There are only EIGHT Saturdays left before Christmas? Take a deep breath and relax because if you start your planning now, you’ll be the most relaxed, calm person come December!...  more

What Are You Cookin’ up for Crocktober Fest?

By ERIN TURNER- Time to pull out the crockpot for 'CROCKTOBER Fest'. Cooking in a crockpot offers the benefits of convenience and ease. Here are a couple of 'must make' crockpot recipes. ...  more

Harvest Season Means Savings

By ERIN TURNER-I dedicate this week’s blog to this beautiful season we call “The Harvest”. Anyone who claims they are frugal loves this season. This is what we frugalites live for--ABUNDANCE!...  more

Ice Cube Trays–a Frugal Gadget for Every Kitchen

By ERIN TURNER-Ever wonder what to do with leftover wine, buttermilk and other liquid items? Hate the thought of throwing them out? HELLO ice cube trays. It's a no-brainer and frugal way to save!...  more

Save Money at Missoula’s TJ Maxx and Ross

By ERIN TURNER-This past week I was reminded of two stores that aren't always on my "Deal Radar" but they're practically next door to one and other and this week they offered up some one-stop- savings!...  more

Ladies (and gentlemen) — Apply Yourselves!

By CHERY SABOL - A recent study found that women applied for jobs only if they met every single requirement on the job description. Men applied if they met just 60 percent of the requirements....  more

Easy, Healthy, and Homemade Chocolate Sauce

By ERIN TURNER-Yesterday was my son’s birthday and when I asked him what menu he wanted for his birthday dinner, he requested ice cream--and that means chocolate sauce! Here's an easy, healthy and frugal reci...  more

A Wild Idea: Celebrating 50 Years of the Wilderness Act

By TRISTAN SCOTT-Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act, advocates look toward the future...  more

Fresh, Frugal, Back to School Lunch Ideas

By ERIN TURNER-Are you ready to dust off the lunch box as your kids head back to school this week? Here are some for packing fresh, healthy and frugal lunches for your kids!...  more

Stuffed Zucchini–A Frugal Seasonal Meal

By ERIN TURNER-The season of zucchini jokes has arrived. The gardens are knocking out zucchini like crazy and people are finding them on their doorsteps....  more

Bee Huts

By PAUL WHEATON-I’ve heard that by adding a roof to protect your bee hives, you can increase honey production by as much as four or five fold. The secret: The happiness of the bee matters!...  more

Homemade Pie Crust

By ERIN TURNER- It's western Montana Fair Time and with raspberries, huckleberries and strawberries all in season right now, it seems the perfect time for a pie! ...  more

Save Money With DIY Haircuts

By ERIN TURNER- With 3 boys, haircuts occur quite frequently around our house. Even if we just went to Cost Cutters we'd spend a fortune every month. Instead, here's a frugal, DIY haircut option. ...  more

Missoula’s Annual Chip Seal Program Begins

City of Missoula Street Division crews begin applying oil and chips to city streets on Monday, July 28, in the City’s annual Chip Seal Street Maintenance Program. Missoula annually seals the surface of ab...  more

Flies Really Bite. Are they Bugging the Cows?

By PAUL WHEATON-Biting flies can sure make life miserable for cattle, horses and even people! Big or small, those insects can inflict painful sores. Here are a few solutions for getting rid of biting flies:...  more

Budget Friendly Fruit Fly Killer

By ERIN TURNER-Love having the fruit sitting out for a quick walk-by snack for the kids but hate the the fruit flies? Here's a sure-fire and frugal way of killing them:...  more

20 Tips for Staying Cool and Saving Money in the Summer

By PAUL WHEATON-It’s hot! So it is perfect timing to talk about how to stay cool on the cheap – both long term and short term. Here are 20 tips on staying cool this summer and saving money too....  more

Vote With Your Fork

By KRISTEN LEE-CHARLSON - One of our very core rights as human beings is challenged in this country on a daily basis. That is the freedom to choose the food(s) that we wish to raise, buy and consume....  more

Healthy, Frugal Spinach Smoothies

By ERIN TURNER-I’ve had lots of people asking me for my recipe for Green Smoothies. Since spinach season is at its peak right now, I thought I'd share my recipe....  more

How to Eat Local & Stay Healthy

By KRISTEN LEE-CHARLSON -Eating local means contributing to the local economy. A dollar spent locally generates twice as much income for the local economy. When businesses are not owned locally, money leaves th...  more

Staying Motivated And Avoiding Coupon Burnout

By ERIN TURNER- Have you hit burn out in your couponing? Does the thought of clipping another coupon cause you to have a melt down? ...  more

Frugal Foodie: Intentional Leftovers

By KRISTEN LEE-CHARLSON - In times of economic struggles, often people cut their food budget, sacrificing the pleasure and fulfillment of true nourishment. But you don't have to....  more

What to do About Workplace Washout?

By CHERY SABOL - Most everyone has encountered an underachiever. These are the bounced checks of the work force. The Missoula Job service offers three ways to avoid them....  more

Keen on Mason Bees

By PAUL WHEATON-And now boys and girls, it is time for Uncle Paul to tell you about the birds and the bees. Or, more accurately, the flowers and the bees. And, even more accurately: Flower sex....  more

Edible Weeds–If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Eat ‘Em!

By KRISTEN LEE-CHARLSON - Fields of the pretty yellow flowers in the lawn; are they really so bad? Dandelion leaves, flowers, stems and roots are all edible if you have an organic yard!...  more

Easy Batch Eggs

By ERIN TURNER- Here's my new favorite way to cook a large batch of eggs. It's quick and easy!...  more

Quick and Easy Shower Cleaning

By ERIN TURNER- I have a secret weapon that helps me maintain a sparkling clean shower--it involves one small tool and two ingredients you'll find around the house....  more

Reversing Desertification

By PAUL WHEATON - Man-made desertification impacts climate change more than the burning of all fossil fuels. This includes contributions to greenhouse gasses, and overall warming....  more

Sunday Streets Missoula, Higgins Edition, June 1, 2014

Get Moving and Get connected while celebrating sustainable transportation and healthy living at the Higgins Edition of Sunday Streets Missoula on June 1, 2014 ...  more

Inexpensive Heat Mat for Seedlings

By ERIN TURNER- Soil temperature is critical for the sprouting of any seeds. If it is too cold, seeds will sit dormant and eventually rot. Here's a frugal alternative to a seedling heat mats: ...  more

Passive Annual Heat Storage

By PAUL WHEATON -When heating or cooling a home can a comfortable temperature be obtained year round with far less energy use? Can we get it down to a tenth of the national average?...  more

Safe, Easy and Inexpensive Toilet Cleaner

By ERIN TURNER- Missoula's hard water has left deposits, lime scale and the occasional mineral/rust stains in my toilets. Here's a safe, easy, and frugal way to clean your toilets:...  more

Apple Trees from Seed

By PAUL WHEATON -There is this story going around that if you try and grow apples from seed, then there is only a 1 in 20,000 chance that you’ll have an edible apple. ...  more

My Deal of the Week: Chick Days

By ERIN TURNER-I always like to look back over my week and determine my best deal. This week, hands down, it had to be Chick Days at the local feed store--60% off ducks and 2-for-1 geese. ...  more

REALLY Saving Energy

By PAUL WHEATON -Recently, I was invited to give a TED Talk. I chose to speak about the fact that pollution and war are icky and both are rooted in energy. Here's what I said:...  more

Dessert for Breakfast: Dutch Babies

By ERIN TURNER- Tonight I made this recipe for Dutch Babies, nope not as “breakfast for dinner” but I made it for dessert. Yup, it is that good and that versatile. Here's how:...  more

My Favorite List of Frugal Spring Cleaning Methods

By ERIN TURNER- It's spring cleaning time. Here is a list of some of my favorite ways to clean and refresh the house without breaking the bank this spring: ...  more

How to Remove Pilling and Make Sweaters New Again

By ERIN TURNER- Here's an easy, do-it-yourself way of removing pilling from sweaters and fleece coats. ...  more

Budget Friendly Overnight Oatmeal

By ERIN TURNER- I am always searching for fun, healthy and frugal breakfast foods so when a friend mentioned a no-cook oatmeal made with various fruits, nuts and seeds I had to try it!...  more

Frugal Living: Using Amazon to Save Money

By ERIN TURNER- Want to save money and living frugally, but not necessarily a fan of coupons? Here are some tips on saving money using  more

40 Days of Decluttering

By ERIN TURNER- This new challenge tackles all the “stuff” that seems to accumulate around the house. Clutter gets in the way emotionally and spiritually and binds us to those "things"....  more

4 Ways to Save Big Bucks at Target

By ERIN TURNER- Okay you smart shoppers--today I’m going to share with you why I love Target and four ways how you can save big bucks when you shop there!...  more

Before There’s Smoke, There’s Fire (Fighters)

By CHERY SABOL - Training for forest firefighting jobs begins months before the first whiff of smoke in mid-summer and is over long before ash starts to fall--so plan NOW!...  more

Frugal Living: The Freezer Challenge Continues

By ERIN TURNER- We're waiting for a major winter snow storm to hit here in Missoula. But you won't see me running out to stock-up...we're in the middle of a Freezer Challenge!...  more

The Freezer Challenge

By ERIN TURNER- This year we decided to shake things up a bit from our traditional Pantry Challenge and we're doing a Freezer Challenge instead. Here's what it entails: ...  more

A Rice Cooker Makes Healthy, Frugal Meals

By ERIN TURNER-So I didn't own a rice cooker--what's the big deal? Answer: rice cookers are a super time and money saving gadget for your kitchen! So now I own one. You should too....  more

Turn Down The Thermostat And Save

By ERIN TURNER - During a recent cold-snap in Montana, we moved our thermostat down to a “balmy” 64 degrees during the day and 60 degrees at night and saved!...  more

Heirloom Winter Farmers’ Market Back in Full Swing

By KRISTEN LEE-CHARLSON - The Heirloom Winter Farmers’ Market is back on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month, January through April at the Missoula Fairgrounds....  more

Keep Working After the Lottery

By CHERY SABOL - According to a Gallup survey of U.S. workers, two thirds of those surveyed would continue to show for work even if they won the lottery. Would you?...  more

Seasonal Fruit Plus Juicing Adds Up To Healthy and Frugal Living

By ERIN TURNER - I can, freeze and dry seasonal fresh produce, but lately my family and I are into juicing--it's a frugal, healthy and delicious way to enjoy this season's citrus fruits....  more

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