Ovarian Follicle Size Is Key When Planning For Trigger Shot


Dear Doctor Ramirez,

I had 3 follicles when I received the trigger shot. 30mm 24mm and not sure what size the 3rd one was. Is the 30mm follicle a good size to have a mature egg to be released?

Thanks, G. from the U.S.


Hello G. from the U.S.,

I'm sorry to say but those follicle sizes  are way too big. The trigger should be given when the follicle is between 18-23 mms. Once larger than that, the egg becomes over mature and non-viable. In some cases the follicle will not ovulate and be retained as a retained physiologic cyst. This type of situation generally occurs when patients are seeing the wrong type of doctor. I would advise that you consider seeking out a specialist in infertility or at least an ob/gyn who knows how to monitor your cycle properly so that you trigger at the correct time.

Good Luck,

Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG

Executive Medical Director

The Fertility and Gynecology Center

Monterey Bay IVF Program


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