Essential oils for women and to de-stress

Posted by | May 30, 2016 .

  Massage Therapists, Fitness instructors, Hair Stylists and EVERYONE checkout the great tips above you and your clients can use to de-stress and help for Women dealing with hormone issues, PMS, Hot Flashes, etc. Aromatherapy is an excellent way to de-stress and even help with mood swings for SADNESS, DEPRESSION, FEAR, ANGER, GRIEF. Stay tuned […]

Great Testimony on client dealing with Fibroid tumors

Posted by | September 5, 2013 .

I added 2 good testimonies to my website about female issues from women who have got good results from herbal remedies. Sometimes it takes patience and time to get the results but these testimonies reveal that it all pays off when you stick to a good program. READ FULL TESTIMONIES HERE: Do you […]

You can deal with Fibroids naturally – no surgeries!

Posted by | July 8, 2011 .

The weekend is here. This past week was a good week for me. I feel like I am reaching a goal I set some time ago. Thanks to the internet, along with communicating any way I can about this topic, I am reaching more and more women who want to try an natural alternative for […]

If you missed the menopause workshop – Part 2 this Thursday

Posted by | September 16, 2010 .

If you missed last week’s free online workshop I have good news, I am joining Certified Herbalist, Natasha Brown for PART 2 this Thursday, September 16th at 7:30 p.m., central time. We shared great tips last week for “No more private summers” and this week we will review and share more natural health tips for […]

Learn some holistic tips on handling menopause

Posted by | September 6, 2010 .

Menopause is a natural change in life that can begin for some women as early as mid 30’s. I will be a guest speaker for a Menopause workshop on Thursday, Sept. 9, 2010. I will join fellow Certified Herbalist Natasha Brown of Georgia. So if you are tired of restless nights, hot flashes, night sweats […]

My 49th birthday weight loss challenge

Posted by | August 16, 2010 .

My birthday is September 24th and I will be 49 years old. This gives me 13 months to drop the extra pounds I have picked up over the past several years and be able to go into my 50s at a healthy weight. I have to do this for myself. I am tired of the […]

How to boost your metabolism if you are 40 or older

Posted by | April 9, 2010 .

A popular topic among ladies who are getting closer to menopause or actually going through menopause is lowering their weight and keeping it off. It seems to be harder as we age and now research has found that it is a fact that metabolism slows down for women with menopause. (See article below) Nature Sunshine […]

Supplements for women and hormonal issues

Posted by | March 19, 2010 .

One topic that many women contact me about is hormonal imbalance, including hot flashes, PMS, PCOS, fibroids and endometriosis. Autoimmune disorders have even been linked to hormonal issues. I posted an article on recommended supplements for women dealing with hormone issues and I included a link to an interview I did with herbalist Medina J. […]

Women don’t have to go through “private summers”

Posted by | February 15, 2010 .

As women mature some may face those hormonal ups and downs such as hot flashes but the good news is herbs can help. Flash-Ease™ [Glandular] contains black cohosh, a popular herb native to the West. It is widely known for its ability to help support the mature woman’s body as she encounters normal glandular imbalances […]

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