

Please phone or e-mail if you have not received a reply/confirmation in about 24 hours.

Guest Information

Please check unit availability on the on-line calendar Availability Calender

Payment Information

Your card will not be charged until the unit availability is determined

A reservation is complete when your e-mail confirmation has been received, generally with-in 24 hours. It is guest's responsibility to read the e-mail to ensure details are correct and acceptable or inform us promptly of any concerns, errors or omissions.

Your card will only be charged the specified deposit amount if the unit is available.

  • Booking is safe. When you book with us your details are protected by a secure connection.
  • Your privacy is protected. Your card will only be used to pay one deposit and your card information will not be stored.
  • There are no booking fees. You pay directly to 867222 AB Ltd. o/a Old Entrance B 'n B..
  • Old Entrance Trailrides (867822 Alberta Ltd.)
    email inquiries: oldentrance@yahoo.com
    PO Box 6054
    Hinton, Alberta, Canada
    T7V 1X4

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    Website Designed by Mary Luger 1999 - Technical Advisor U Web Team

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