
How to get more than 500 RSS subscribers per month

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Dramatically increase your subscriber numbers

I have embarked on a journey of gaining readers for my blog. I have had the blog since August 2006 and up until March 2007 I had 189 RSS Subscribers. I was looking at a fellow PBN Members blog and noticed he was up to about 7000 subscribers in a very short space of time. I was happy with gaining about 10 subscribers per week and Leo was getting about 500 "“ 800 new subscribers per week. This blew my mind and I had to find out what to do to gain more subscribers.

The first thing I did was write to Leo from and
congratulated him on his phenomenal success. He shared a few secrets with the PBN network and I think all concerned have gone on to raise our game on the subscriber front.

So for the last 4 weeks I set a goal to raise my subscriber numbers by 100 per week. I have gone from 189 subscribers to 638 (peak) subscribers on May 23. It goes up and down but it is stable at about 600 just now.

Here are the 5 ways to get your subscriber numbers up

Quality Content

    It goes without saying that what you write has to give something back to thereader. If your articles are not up to scratch and you are not giving anything on a regular basis you will not get the readers or subscribers in.

    To write quality articles read quality blogs and articles and get a feel for what other people are writing in your niche. You are now talking about competing with the big guns in your niche as you will soon have over 500 subscribers if you follow the plan below.


      It's all about getting the traffic in. If you get the traffic in you'll get the new subscribers in. The way to do this is to use the social media sites:

      That's the only ones you'll ever need to use. There are new ones coming out all the time and no doubt they will take over. The likes of reddit and Digg are already dropping in popularity but they are still very useful in helping your traffic.

      Sign up with all the sites mentioned above and start socialising in them. Take 1 week to build up your friends and submit quality articles to all of them. You can have a stumbleupon toolbar which makes it easy to stumble articles. You can also use the social bookmark icons on nearly all blog posts; again this makes it easy to submit articles to the sites. At this point do not submit any of your own articles unless you have been using the sites for a while.

      It is very important to build up your friends lists and submit articles. Make a point of submitting for an hour every day for 1 week (believe me it well be well worth your time after the week).

      As you continue to build up your friend lists on these sites, continue to write your articles and post them as usual and resistthe temptation to submit your articles to any of these sites.

      What you are doing is building credibility. Can you really do this in 1 week? A little credibility is better than no credibility.

      Great headlines

      Having a great headline can dramatically increase your traffic from the search engines in the short term and the long term. Consider the two headlines: Getting more subscribers

      How to get 500 RSS subscribers per month

      What one grabs you the most? Consider what your readers will search for when you are writing your article. Some friends recommended an eBook from Joe Vitale called Hypnotic headlines which I read and thought was a great book for any blogger to read. It gives some great advice about drwaing readers in and wanting to make them read more. Consider
      the two headlines above again and you can see instantly which one you would click on. Also you'll notice that one of them looks like a bigger font size, this is not the case, the bottom headline is capitalised which therefore gives the illusion of larger font, this also draws the readers eyes to the text much more.

      Look at the headlines in your blog and think about how you could reword them to make them more appealing to your readers. Better yet why not leave a comment with a post title and ask the readers to change it to make it more appealing.

      One great way of getting headlines and finding what people are searching for is enlisting the help of Google.

      Go to and type in a few keywords you are considering using for your title. You can look at the previous months search volume to get an idea of searches that are being conducted on a particular keyword. This is only for search engine traffic, but it's a great way to write sustainable posts that will have a long tail effect.

      Enlist the help of your friends

        Everybody else is doing it and if you want to get more readers and subscribers this is the way to do it. If you don't have friends ask bloggers from your niche to take a look at some of your posts and ask them to submit them to the social sites and you could do the same for them.

        I have helped friends get over 5000 visitors in just because I stumbled his article. I have to say I love Stumble the best as it is the easiest and most unobtrusive site to use.

        Consider joining or setting up a community of like minded bloggers. This way you can help each other out. However be careful when doing this as you could get banned if all your are doing is submitting your friends sites. Make sure you continue the practice of submitting quality sites to all the sites above and you should be okay.


          This is another often overlooked area of writing articles on your blog. Make sure they are optimised for the search engines. Use 7 "“ 15 keywords for every single blogpost your write. There are widgets and plugins for most blog platforms now to be able to do this with ease.

          You can also use Meta tags in your posts which will hep in the long run when spiders crawl your site, although some say this is not quite as useful as it once was. However I feel this is coming back into fashion.

          The 4 week challenge

          This is only a short version of what I was going to write and had another few thousand words to go into more detail about getting more subscribers, but I will leave that for an eBook.

          Why not take the 4 week challenge and use the exalt method above and share with us how you got on. Remember if you have never used the social sites mentioned do not submit any of your own posts until you have built up some credibility.

          If you like this post why not submit it to your favourite social bookmarking site.

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          About the author

          Steven Aitchison

          Steven Aitchison is the author of The Belief Principle and an online trainer teaching personal development and online business.  He is also the creator of this blog which has been running since August 2006.

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