3M™ Residential Prestige Window Film

Concerned about Sun Damage to your Furnishings?


Inside and out, you’ve made a serious investment of both time and money in creating a beautiful home. Yet, if the sun makes your home uncomfortable, hot or fades your furnishings, all your efforts will be diminished. With 3M Prestige Window Tinting Films, you can enjoy the benefits of a world class window film while leaving the beauty of your home virtually unchanged.


Until recently, most window films have rejected heat were tinted dark, used metal or were highly reflective. Over the years, various other companies have tried to create a clear window film with mixed results. While they were able to achieve improved performance, their draw backs made them uncomfortable for most fine homes. Because these films used metal, they were susceptible to corrosion in coastal environments and interfered with mobile phone reception. Because 3M Prestige Window Films use no metals, they are the first films to offer a variety of selections that eliminate these problems and perform to the industries highest standards.

With 3M Prestige Window Tinting Films, your homes exterior stays beautiful and from the interior, your view is as clear as your original window.


One of the major draw backs of traditional window films is that they tend to ct like mirrors. From the inside, traditional window films make it difficult to see outside, especially at night when interior lights are on. In the day time, the outside reflection tends to give a home the look of a commercial building. 3M Prestige Window Tinting Films area a collection of four window films that have substantially reduced reflectivity. This premium line offers two styles of window films that can have less interior reflectivity than the glass they cover. The other styles have interior reflectivity that is just 1% greater than glass. So, at night, you’ll have a clear view out your windows. Your windows will not only reflect your commitment to keeping your home beautiful.


For most people, there are two primary reasons for installing window films: rejecting heat to increase comfort and fade protection from damaging uv rays for furnishings. Residential Prestige 3M Window Tinting do both remarkably well.

To measure just how impressive these films are, we created a more stringent specification for their performance: total solar energy rejected – on angle. This specification proves that our films are unsurpassed throughout the day and especially during the hottest times when you need the help the most. So, when the sun is working hardest, our films are performing the best.

While some films claim similar performance, the fact that their performance is only similar when tested perpendicular to the sun, which only can happen at the relatively cool times of sun rise and sun set. Our spectrally – selective films reject up to 97% of the sun’s infrared light to help keep your home cool and lower your energy bills.

3M Prestige Window Films are designed to reduce the effects of solar heat and visible light on your furnishings and will block up to 99.9% of the suns harmful ultraviolet rays, which are the single largest cause of fading. While no film can stop fading completely, our films dramatically slow the process of fading to keep your home looking beautiful.


Creating a clear residential window film with all these advantages wasn’t easy. It required the world leading nano – technology of 3M. Nano – technology works with materials that are over 1000 times smaller than the width of a hair. This expertise allows us to create a patented window film with hundreds of layers that is less than the thickness of a POST IT NOTE. It has allowed us to create a film that delivers the highest performance possible without metal, which can corrode and interfere with mobile phone signals.

Prestige Product Literature

Prestige MSDS Sheet
Prestige 70 Sample Card
Prestige 60 Sample Card
Prestige 50 Sample Card
Prestige 40 Sample Card
Prestige Spec Sheet 1
Prestige Spec Sheet 2
Prestige Residential Brochure
Prestige Commercial Brochure
Sustainable Design Information for 3M Window Film

3M Safety and Security Window Films

3M Ultra Prestige Spec Sheet
3M Ultra Prestige Residential/Commercial Brochure
3M Ultra Prestige 70 Sample Card
3M Ultra Prestige 50 Sample Card