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U.S. to Aid Nigeria in Rescuing Schoolgirls Kidnapped by Militants

During a press briefing on May 6, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that Secretary of State John Kerry has called Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan “to reiterate our offer of assistance” in the rescue of the schoolgirls kidnapped by Islamist terrorists of the Boko Haram group.

Much has been written about the ongoing efforts by globalists and the international establishment to centralize political and economic power. From the European Union, the African Union and the Union of South American States all the way to the United Nations, would-be transnational authorities are fervently seeking to consolidate and expand their power over increasingly large swaths of humanity. At the same time, though, with citizens becoming increasingly weary of being ruled by far-away, unaccountable forces, secession movements around the world are exploding.

China May Soon Be the World's Most Christian Nation

Research shows that officially atheist Communist China is on track to become the world's most Christian nation in the next 15 years.

Under the guise of advancing “global governance” over the Internet by so-called stakeholders — including, of course, governments, autocrats, and international organizations such as the United Nations — the radical Brazilian government brought together key players for the “NETmundial” summit last week. Well aware that any obvious plot to advance UN control over the World Wide Web would be a non-starter among Americans and the West, however, participants sought to conceal the real agenda in the final agreement behind innocent-sounding language. They failed.

Winston Churchill might have been voted the greatest Englishman ever in 2008, but quoting him in 2014 can get you arrested — as the leader of the U.K.'s Liberty GB party learned the hard way.

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