VV-Water Providing Clean Water with Locally Made Water Filters


The mission of the Kenya Ceramic Project is to increase access to clean drinking water in rural communities through the distribution of locally-produced, low-cost ceramic water filters. The program is also designed to disseminate public health education about water and provide local economic opportunities.

The Need

In 2008, UNICEF declared that more than 45% of people lack access to a safe water source. With over a million families without potable water in Kenya, 60% of rural village deaths are caused by illnesses related to unsafe water and sanitation. The vast majority of these deaths are children under the age of five (Ministry of Health, Kenya)

The Approach

Along with our partners, Innovative Canadians for Change and Potters Without Borders, Village Volunteers supported the construction and development of a ceramic water filter manufacturing facility as a social enterprise in Kiminini, Kenya. The ceramic water filter plant produces water filters that eliminate 99.88% of waterborne pathogens, uses materials that are locally sourced, and provides jobs for local people.

How you can help

For only $20 USD, you can sponsor a ceramic water filter for an orphan home, school, or clinic while supporting a local social enterprise.

You can volunteer in Kenya to assist in teaching about water and public health to school children and women’s groups (curriculum provided).

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