VV - Micro-EnterpriseSupporting E conomic Self-Sufficiency and Technical Assistance

The Mission

Using a business model that serves a social purpose, social enterprises apply market-driven strategies to provide products or services that serve the community or solve social challenges. These social enterprise ventures combine the passion of a social mission with the discipline, innovation, and fortitude most often associated with for-profit businesses.

The Need

Social challenges such as environmental degradation, food shortage, unclean water and lack of employment can seem insurmountable, or they can alternately inspire businesses that answers a need. This type of business development demonstrates profitability with a social impact and becomes a catalyst for sustainable solutions to local poverty in a village community. A community-owned enterprise with local benefactors clearly benefits the village economy and well being.

The Approach

It is important to be innovative both in service delivery, business development and growth. Social enterprises face the same challenges as any other business start-ups. Village Volunteers supports entrepreneurial business and marketing management training which is paramount to the success of any social enterprise. We facilitate market research and product development to provide options for the establishment of social enterprises that have a clear path to success.

Get Involved

Visit our Ceramic Water Filter Plant , Moringa Tree Nurseries and the Water Hyacinth Project pages as examples of social enterprises.  We are always developing new and innovative ways to make a difference. We invite you to share your ideas and join our team.

Donate to support an existing social enterprise.  Provide seed money for small start-up enterprises.

Volunteer to teach business and marketing in villages.  Assist communities with research and development.