DIY Customized Flower Pot – AND – The Happiest Get Well Gift
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What do you do when you need a gift on the fly? Let’s say that you have 24 hours to pull together something wonderful. Have you ever thought about making a personalized planter? It’s easy to customize a terra-cotta pot and once you have a really great DIY flower pot, you can fill it with so many different things!  A few weeks ago our pastor’s wife was very ill. She had been in the hospital for awhile and everyone rejoiced when we heard that she had gone home and seemed to be doing better.  That Sunday we found out that she had a set back and was actually back in the hospital. Later that afternoon some of us that volunteer in the children’s ministry were brainstorming on what we could do. We knew two things: we wanted to involved the kids in the church and that she loved flowers. Of course a flower bouquet only made sense but the details on how we could pull it off were a little fuzzy.
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The flowers from the kids needed to be simple because we were going to squeeze this craft in during a lesson time and it needed to be something that would bring her joy. That’s when we came up with a super simple paper flower that would be a good fit for kids of all ages. We used the die cut machine to make as many flower shapes as possible out of all different colors of paper. Some of them we used marbled paper that we made with shaving cream . When it came to decorating the flowers we gave the kids two paper die cut flowers. On one that wrote a simple message or colored it for the younger kids. On the other flower we just had them write their name and grade. Then we sandwiched the two flowers on a skewer (the stem) and used hot glue to keep it all together.  Voila’! Flowers were done. But where would we put the flowers? I had asked the children’s pastor if he could get us a big terra-cotta flower pot to fill with the flowers and I had planned to decorate the outside. The only problem was that I didn’t give myself time to get it done!  From the time I picked up the flower pot until we filled it with the flowers, I only had 24 hours. 24 hours! How can you do a project like this in less than 24 hours? Well… you hurry… you rush… you take lackluster photos of the project for your blog because you don’t have time for better photos!  So here’s how I did it, in actually less than an hour.  (I used a pencil transfer- if you need more detailed instructions you can find out how to make your own sign using a pencil transfer here.)  Step one was I created a graphic in the Procreate App using my iPad and   Apple Penci l. You can find a free-to-use image online.  After I created the basic image, I printed it onto a plain piece of paper.After you print your image, you flip over your piece of paper and color the paper behind your image using a pencil. After the back of your paper is colored with graphite from your pencil, flip it back over and place it on the area of your project where you want the finished design to be. Line it up in the perfect spot and then tape down the sides of the paper so it won’t move on you.Once your paper in in the right spot, you’re going to trace over the letters on your paper with moderate pressure. Occasionally peel back the corner of your paper to make sure your design is transferring! When you’re done the transfer is very light, which is actually great because then you don’t feel pressured to trace it perfectly.  Once you’re done with the transfer, it’s time to make it permanent. I used a Sharpie oil based paint pen. It was my first time every using one of the Sharpie oil based paint pens but I really liked it. I will definitely be using these again in the future. (Check them out for yourself on Amazon with this affiliate link – Sharpie Oil Paint Pen s)All you have to do is trace over the pencil transfer. It’s that simple. And after you’re done you’re going to be left with an amazing project that people won’t believe you bought. That looks so great and the fact that it’s personalized by hand just sends that extra touch of love.  After I was done personalizing the flower pot we added a foam base inside of it and then added over 100 paper flowers on skewers to get this amazing creation:There were so many flowers that we wound up making this two sided and if you turned it around, you’d find even more paper flowers.  It was a great gift. She could take her time to read the flowers, getting a laugh and a smile when she needed them. Next I need to make one of these planters for myself and honestly, I’ll probably need to fill it with paper flowers because that will be their only hope of survival. 
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[…] Want to see an amazing project that you can make using these paint pens? Check out this DIY Flower Pot Gift Idea.  […]

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