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A Luxurious SUV up Aston Martin’s Sleeve

Like all great news, this one might hit you as unbelievable and we totally understand. The motor world is anything but predictable. And then when some thing that appears too good to be true starts making rounds, the least we can do is lend it some ears and wait for it to really strike us. The same holds true for what we have been listening to, from Aston Martin World. The company hasn’t yet officially confirmed any production or plans but we do know some thing is cooking and all indications are that is sheer luxury! If what we have heard is to be believed, the upcoming Aston Martin SUVis an ultra plush affair. And it is going to bowl you over!

There have been a lot of predictions for this one. Of course, majorly because it comes from Aston Martin, that’s big news in its own right. Keeping that aside, there are rumors that this one is going to share the platform with the next gen Mercedes Benz GL! See, we caught you off guard, didn’t we? So even though the company maintains silence on its production, we do have a very big story lined up, already. This upcoming Aston Martin SUV,it is predicted, is going to give Mercedes Benz GL a run for its money, we hear. Well, we sure as hell hope it does!

Let’s take a look at the contender first. The GL is likely to get a facelift very soon and that is to happen well before its replacement is created in 2018. Which, we add, is not very far, considering how fast the motor world changes and evolves and surprises! Now why this news about the big contender is important is because it will really decide what course Aston Martin’s upcoming SUVwill tread. Now there is a twist in the tale as well. How many of us have heard of the recent tie-up between Aston Martin and Mercedes Benz AMG? Well, it is every bit true and going by that, the two have agreed to share engines and electronics, too. So, don’t be surprised if the Aston Martin SUV gives a miss to the range-topping V12 engine in favour of a smaller AMG V8. Well, we don’t know the intricacies of the deal and what has conspired between the two parties but one thing is for sure. It is like having the best of the two worlds being served to us now, isn’t it?

Experts are of the view that Mercedes-Benz can conveniently adapt one of its twin-turbo V8 engines. It can then very easily deliver around 600 hp and 738 lb-ft of torque to suit the character and the requirement of the upcoming Aston SUV.Which would in turn mean, placing it on to the GL platform. No one knows for sure what is going to follow. What we do know is that this one is highly awaited. Aston Martin fans just can’t help but hope they get to see this magic vehicle sooner than the soonest!

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