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Tag Archives: Zenos 2015

Amazement at its zenith with the upcoming Zenos 2015

Appreciation is a very tricky thing. Some times, it is so difficult to appreciate some thing. You look at it from different angles, perspectives, and still are doubtful whether you like a certain thing or not. Some times, it grows with time. It takes its own sweet time to settle and find its place in your heart. And then there are times when it just pours out of you. There are some pieces of art that make it your first reaction. It doesn’t matter whether you know the details or not but you are simply bowled over. The upcoming Zenos 2015is one such creation. It is sure to get all the adjectives and exclamations flowing out of your mouth. No kidding there and wait till you find out how much it costs. You are only going to fall helplessly in love with this one!

So, what is it that is so fascinating about the new upcoming Zenos 2015that we just can’t stop talking about it? We will tell you our reasoning. The word is out in the street that this one has redefined what affordable luxury means. It is a two seater, agreed but then do not forget that it is a sports car albeit in the mid-engine category. It is a creation that has been brought to life keeping in mind the money angle but without compromising on the engineering that is involved. All in all we can safely call this a humungous wonder that many of us can definitely own!

Money, money and money! That is all we have been repeating. Want to know exactly how much! Well, it is around £24,995 which is indeed not bad at all for the kind of features you are getting. Consider, along with what it is worth, the  200bhp, in addition to its capacity to go 0-62mph in roughly 4.5sec and you will realize that the upcoming Zenos 2015is indeed irresistible. And that is not all. There is a new aluminum chassis and carbonfibre that has been recycled. Surprised? Well, don’t be! Like we have been repeating, this one is no plush drive. It is wonderful with its own limitations and capacities. So, while it has no doors and well, limited protection from harsh weather conditions, it is not going to disappoint you for it is truly a wonderful and thoughtful machine in its own rights.

The fact that the upcoming Zenos 2015is the brainchild of two trailblazers makes it extra-special to many people who admire new and daring ideas. You will be surprised that the brilliant duo who conceptualized Zenos, first kept a figure in their mind, finalized it and then started working towards creating a machine that will fit the figure they had decided. This is an unheard story, right? So, all the bucks went into high-end engineering at places where it was truly needed and not unnecessary luxury, so to say. Well, from where we are looking at it, this one stands out, certainly because of its background story and its affordability. What do you say?

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