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Watch out for the Feisty Fiat 500 X 2016!

Trying new things is always good and we agree. Same old look, same old engines, same old experience – ah, how long can it all hold attention and interest! Which is why there is a constant need for innovation, in thought and deed. To serve something that’s off-beat and well, if not off beat then at least in a different league! That is exactly why we welcome the news of Fiat 500 X 2016.Finally, the company’s older offering the classic 500L hatchback is going to get dropped. Since it didn’t catch anyone’s fancy, especially in the US, it is a wise decision to revamp the look and launch something that might strike the chord with people!

In the motor world, we are sure you would know, there is always some clue or the other about what companies are up to. It doesn’t matter how hush-hush they keep their plans and strategies, somehow the word escapes and tickles the world! Well, we can say that same has happened with the upcoming Fiat 500 X  2016.We have heard from many sources that it is going to be styled in an SUV fashion! This one didn’t come as a surprise, at all! After all, crossovers are the flavor of the season and every prominent company has attempted to do it, with some creation or the other. So, makes sense if Fiat is doing it too!

There are more and more stories that are coming our way from the Fiat world. And we are carefully listening and producing them here to answer your daily dose of motor news! Those who follow motor trends will definitely be able to tell hearsays from facts and decide what is worthy of being believed. So, leading on, chances are that the new Fiat 500 X 2016 is going to be cast against Jeep Renegade. So, it is only too understandable that this one is going to be powered with four gasoline engines. However, for the European continent, there is a chance that the variant will come in three diesel engines. Whether the upcoming Fiat 500 X 2016will be able to take people’s breath away is a question that will be answered by time. However, all we can say is that there definitely seems something massive and heavy-duty in store for us.

We want to thank Fiat for such consideration and creation but wait, there is more!

So, what the company has not revealed as yet is the version it is going to launch in the U.S. Perhaps, after the dull response to the Fiat hatchback, it has decided to play safe and keep its future plans a secret just to build curiosity! Who knows! But, as things have turned out, the U.S. markets need to wait to find out what is going to come their way. Some experts, have pointed out that the upcoming Fiat 500 X  2016specially crafted for the U.S. will probably come with the 170-hp, 1.4-liter turbocharged “MultiAir” four-cylinder and the 184-hp, 2.4-liter “Tigershark” four-cylinder. It is important to note that it is the same tigershark that comes with the Renegade, too!

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