The Greatest Grift on Planet Earth

Glaciers melting. Oceans rising. No, oceans boiling . Forests burning. Deserts growing. Hurricanes and tornadoes becoming more frequent. Wars. Migration. People and animals dying. That’s what’s happening to the planet we call home. And it’s all our fault. More precisely, it’s the fault of Westerners living in developed countries — especially Americans.

Or so say the “cool kids” among the global elites. 

The solution? Give the elites more power and more of our money. You see, they know what’s best for us, and they’ll tell us how we need to behave to make the world a better, more livable place. 

It’s a classic formula: Create a problem — or at least convince people there is a problem — and offer a solution to the problem that increases your wealth and power.

Does this sound like extortion? Maybe a protection racket? It is. In fact, it’s the worst form of extortion, because it’s based on a lie

There is no scientific evidence that the world is warming catastrophically , or even outside of normal climatic variation. Nor is there evidence that reducing (or eliminating) human industrial activity will somehow cool the planet or stop the climate from changing. 

In other words, the entire worldwide, United Nations-led environmental agenda — including, of course, the Conference of the Parties (COP) summits — is one gigantic grift. It’s undoubtedly the greatest grift ever to have been carried out in the history of the world. 

Unfortunately, many well-meaning people buy into the climate-change grift. This is understandable. After all, the population has been fed a steady diet of global-warming propaganda since the late 1980s, and alternative (i.e., realistic) views are often sidelined and ridiculed. 

This scam would be something to laugh at and simply ignore if it were relegated to people standing up at UN conferences and making crazy claims about boiling oceans. But it’s much more than that. Under the guidance of various UN organizations, member nations are voluntarily implementing laws, regulations, and ordinances to effect a massive shift in the economies and lifestyles of people all around the world, particularly in developed countries. 

“Sustainable development” and “green” industry are buzzwords we’ve all grown accustomed to. Ordinary citizens are being told they need to downsize their lifestyles and their nations’ economies in order to save the planet, all while the wealthy elites are conspicuously “super-sizing” their lifestyles.

In the end, it’s nothing more than a plan to turn 99 percent of the world’s population into serfs — a return to the “good old days” where the upper crust of society enjoyed a codified distinction from the unwashed masses. 

Obviously, no one except the elites wants such a future. But what can we do?

The best way to fight this grift is to expose it for what it is. Remember, the elites only have as much power as we give them. Their success depends on the ignorance of the masses. If those masses become aware of what’s going on, they can simply say “no.” For this reason, education is paramount — education of oneself and others.

At The New American , we’ve been calling out the climate-change grift for years. In this issue, we cover the COP28 climate conference held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 30-December 13. 

To learn more about the climate-change scam and how to stop it — along with other plans of the globalist elites — consider subscribing to The New American .