Climate Change: It’s Not That Complicated

Climate Change: It’s Not That Complicated

Calling all environmental superheroes! The answer to climate catastrophe may be simpler than you think. ...
Ed Hiserodt

Are you one of the millions of young Americans genuinely worried about the fate of this planet because of climate change? Have you been stirred by fresh-faced idealist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her demands for the United States to stop producing carbon dioxide? Do you believe that if drastic measures are not taken, mankind will destroy Mother Earth? If so, this article is for you. Because even though climate change may seem like a gargantuan problem, we believe there is a real and surprisingly simple solution. Let’s start by taking a look at some common beliefs.

Belief #1:

Most scientists agree that humans are causing catastrophic global warming.

You have probably heard talking heads on the news mentioning a “97-percent consensus” among scientists that human activity causes global warming. Plenty of movie stars and politicians agree. Anyone who doesn’t believe is basically a Neanderthal who shops at Walmart. “The science is settled,” they say.

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