From the Editor

A Challenge ... and a Free Offer

American consumers are keenly aware of the fact that shortages of certain commodities, from toilet paper during the Covid-19 lockdowns to baby formula more recently, have become a problem in our land of plenty.

One such shortage that has recently become a big problem, albeit in this case under the radar screen of many Americans, has been the shortage of paper, caused in part by the closing of North American mills that were unable to stay profitable in the face of onerous environmental regulations, as well as a shifting by some mills away from the manufacture of high-quality paper to paper products for the growing packaging industry in order to stay in the black.

The New American is being printed by a printer that performs an excellent service for us, but neither our printer nor TNA is immune from the supply problems besetting parts of the American economy. This fact was manifested in the case of our July 25 “Life After Roe” Special Report (the previous issue of TNA ), which was printed one week after the scheduled print date because of a planned paper delivery that did not arrive on time.

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