Inside Track

FBI Used Counterterrorism Tools to Target Parents, Officials

FBI counterterrorism target parents Biden Administration
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The Biden administration used the FBI’s counterterrorism resources to target parents and local elected officials, according to whistleblowers cited in a congressional letter addressed to Attorney General Merrick Garland, who previously said in testimony before the U.S. Congress that such a thing never happened.

The letter, sent May 11 to Garland by the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), cites evidence provided to Congress by whistleblowers showing that the FBI launched dozens of investigations into parents who criticized Covid-related school policies, such as mask mandates, at school-board meetings. The evidence was provided as part of an investigation into the application of Garland’s October memo to the FBI instructing them to treat conservative parents as “domestic terrorists.”

The letter reads, “In sworn testimony before this Committee, you denied that the Department of Justice or its components were using counterterrorism statutes and resources to target parents at school board meetings. We now have evidence that contrary to your testimony, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has labeled at least dozens of investigations into parents with a threat tag created by the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division to assess and track investigations related to school boards…. These investigations into concerned parents are the direct result of ... your directive to federal law enforcement to target these categories of people.”

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