Faith Family Freedom
Liz Collin: Fighting for Truth

Liz Collin: Fighting for Truth

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

“Heroes … were at first a sort of brave disinterested men, that having more courage and prowess than others, went about doing good to others, and to all, at their own expense and danger.”

— Thomas Gordon, 1722

Liz Collin, a multi-Emmy-Award-winning reporter and anchor, knows something about heroism of the old sort. Her efforts at revealing the truth — the truth being purposefully hidden by a conspiracy of cowardly politicians and their media mouthpieces — put her, her husband (former police lieutenant Bob Kroll), her home, and her children in very serious danger. 

“This whole god d**n state burned down for 20 god d**n dollars, you think we give a f**k about burning Hugo down? Now you running your coward a*s back into the garage,” yelled John Thompson, a member of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, standing outside the home of Collin and her family. 

During his protest at Collin’s home, Thompson spotted one of the couple’s neighbors holding up a sign supporting police. “Come on over here with your Blue Lives Matter sign! Blue lives ain’t s**t! And if people in Hugo don’t support black people, f**k Hugo, Minnesota!”  

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