Targeting the NRA — to Get Your Guns

Targeting the NRA — to Get Your Guns

According to mainstream media, the recently convened NRA convention in Dallas was a disaster, with protesters everywhere, but such was not the case — at all. ...
Alex Newman

DALLAS, Texas — In multiple North Florida cities, drivers on major highways have been seeing huge billboards reading “The NRA is a terrorist organization.” That particular campaign was launched by “Mad Dog PAC,” an outfit run by former Bill Clinton staffer Claude Taylor. The group plans to pay for similar billboards in GOP-controlled states across America, including Texas, in the weeks and months ahead. They sell t-shirts accusing the NRA of terrorism, too. 

While the text on the billboards may sound extreme to everyday Americans, and especially to law-abiding gun owners, the fanatical and hateful rhetoric targeting the National Rifle Association and its members has reached a fever pitch this year. Along a major highway in Kentucky, anti-NRA vandals wrote “Kill The NRA” across a billboard. And on television and in newspapers across America, the NRA has seemingly become public enemy number one. 

Speaking on CNN, two of the ubiquitous Parkland students plastered across America’s TV screens by the media described the NRA as “child murderers.” Not only did the host let the incredibly malicious smear slide unchallenged, CNN was more than happy to push the narrative, running the headline: “Shooting survivor calls NRA ‘child murderers’” after the segment aired. Countless anti-gun protesters given a megaphone by the establishment media were allowed to make similarly outlandish accusations, generally without being challenged.    

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