The Goodness of America

Turning Passion Into Purpose

At Capital Manor, a senior living facility in Salem, Oregon, retired state legislator Gene Derfler has found a new purpose in woodworking. Turning a 300-square-foot space in the building’s basement into a workshop, Derfler spends about nine months each year meticulously crafting wooden toy trucks with a team of other residents. These trucks aren’t just any toys; they’re part of a labor of love benefiting Head Start chapters in Salem, Keizer, and Polk County.

Derfler’s journey into woodworking began after retirement, sparked by a lifetime fascination with wood carvings. What started as a minor interest blossomed into a full-fledged passion, with Derfler now known for his lifelike carvings of trout, steelhead, and koi, which adorn the Capital Manor café.

Despite approaching his 100th birthday, Derfler’s dedication to his craft and community is unwavering. He still finds time to fish several times a year, evincing a spirit of adventure and creativity that inspires those around him.

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