The Goodness of America

The “Puck” Stops Here

During a Cleveland Monsters hockey game on April 11 in Akron, Ohio, a heart-pounding incident unfolded as a vigilant man shielded a young boy from a flying hockey puck, WKYC reported. 

Asia Davis, the boy’s mother, recounted the harrowing moment when a puck suddenly hurtled toward her four-year-old son, Nasir, threatening injury. Video footage captured the heart-stopping scene as the puck careened toward Nasir, only to be deflected by the man beside him, later identified as Andrew Podolak. 

Davis took to the internet seeking to express her gratitude to the unidentified hero who had selflessly protected her son. Later, she had the opportunity to connect with Podolak, who modestly expressed his belief that fate had brought him to that precise moment to safeguard Nasir.

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