Exercising the Right

Navy Vet Surprises Robbers

13WMAZ.com reported on December 11 about an incident in New Orleans that makes one mindful of the fact that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Sixty-three-year-old Bennie Sideboerd and his cousin pulled up to their house, and two masked men appeared out of nowhere and approached the vehicle. The masked thugs thought the senior citizen would be an easy victim, but they found out otherwise.

One masked man grabbed Bennie and threw him to the ground. The other masked man told Bennie’s cousin to put his hands on the car. As Bennie fell to the ground, he was able to grab his gun, which he had in a concealed holster. Bennie explained to 13WMAZ.com that the would-be robber told him not to move. “He said, don’t you move, so I turned around…. He pointed at me and I pulled out my gun and boom boom boom!” Investigators from the New Orleans Police Department say that none of Bennie’s initial shots hit the suspects. Bennie got down to his last round in his gun, and the suspects were not giving up on their violent assault. “Then he came running at me…. He knocked me down…. I grabbed him by his back and I went BOOM,” Bennie said. “It was a five-shot gun and I knew I had one shot left, so when I grabbed him, I went boom…. He dropped the gun then he grabbed his stomach and said ‘Oh Lord!’ and rode out and ran.” Bennie’s cousin ran from the scene as soon as the bullets began flying, and made it to a nearby police station, where he reported the incident. Police soon arrived on the scene, but only found Bennie, as the two criminals had fled the scene.

Bennie is a Navy veteran and regularly practices target shooting at a local shooting range. Bennie told 13WMAZ.com that he wasn’t nervous in the least. “When somebody comes at you like that, you can’t be nervous…. If not, they’re going to kill you anyhow. So you have a choice: Either you get them or they get you.”

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