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A Fight for the Ages: Joe Biden Jousts With Fossil Fuels

Item: Vox for August 2 commented on the Democratic primary debate held earlier that week. The “strangest exchange of all,” said the news site, came when CNN’s Dana Bash, a moderator, asked former Vice President Joe Biden about fossil fuels. Bash “pressed Biden,” as noted by Vox: “Just to clarify, would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden administration?” Biden “gave an uncharacteristically straight answer,” said Vox. He declared: “No. We would work it out. We would make sure it’s eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those. Any fossil fuel.”

Item: “Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is pitching a $5 trillion-plus climate proposal that he says would lead the U.S. to net zero emission of carbon pollution by 2050,” reported the Associated Press.

Biden’s plan, reported the AP on June 4, is “a mix of tax incentives, federal spending, new regulation and more aggressive foreign policy on climate issues.” The Biden plan, as the wire service put it, “comes as he pushes back on rivals’ assertions that his environmental agenda isn’t bold enough.”

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