What is “Build Back Better” Globalism?

What is “Build Back Better” Globalism?

Globalists tell us that we need to “build back better” as we recover from COVID harms, but their initiatives so far tell us that we can expect to be poorer, less free, and less influential. ...
Kurt Williamsen

If you are beginning to feel that the America you grew up in is no longer recognizable, rest assured that you are not alone, and you are not imagining things. And, most importantly, the changes are no accident. 

Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the globalist World Economic Forum, is the head of a push to have a “Great Reset” of the world — a political and cultural revolution that is being promoted by numerous globalists worldwide, even the Catholic pope. In an article entitled “Now is the time for a ‘Great Reset of Capitalism,’” after praising the “radical changes to … lifestyles” that the world’s citizens were willing to endure to fight COVID-19, Schwab said this willingness to change lifestyles must now translate into “stronger and more effective governments” so that government can control our food, forests, gender issues, mobility, human rights, pollution, manufacturing and production, employment, global health, economics, and many other areas — basically all areas of our lives.

And in a short online video entitled “Eight Predictions for the World in 2030,” about what the Great Reset aims to achieve in the aftermath of COVID, we learn that the globalists mean to remove the United States from being the predominant superpower, ensure that people “own nothing” and rent all goods from government, implement massive CO 2 -emission taxes to eliminate fossil fuels, greatly reduce meat consumption, and more. Oh, happy days! Or not.

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