Who’s Behind a Constitutional Convention?

Who’s Behind a Constitutional Convention?

Though it may seem as if conservative, pro-American groups are behind the movement to alter the U.S. Constitution, the deep pockets are provided by globalists. ...
C. Mitchell Shaw

Nearly all conservatives agree that the federal government — under both Democrats and Republicans — continues to grow beyond the limitations set for it in the U.S. Constitution. As part of that overreach, the federal government has been swelling the national debt into the multiple trillions and treading on the rights of the states and of the people for more than a hundred years. The Insider/Internationalist/Big Government/Deep State/Globalist types — having created the problem in the first place — are now busily forming and funding organizations that offer a “solution” in the form of a modern-day constitutional convention that would have the power to rewrite the U.S. Constitution.

They are guilty of what 19th-century French economist Frédéric Bastiat called “concocting the antidote and the poison in the same laboratory.” Having administered a near fatal dose of the poison, they are now pushing slick, well-funded campaigns to sell the antidote. But here is the rub: Administering poison was never the real goal; its purpose was to make the antidote appear attractive.

To many conservatives — tired of seeing the federal government overstep its constitutional boundaries and expand its reach into areas it has no business being — nothing seems more “grassroots” than the idea of calling a convention to propose amendments to the Constitution and rein in said federal government. So it is not surprising that every few years new batches of legislation fly across the desks of state legislators to apply to Congress for such a convention.

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