The Great Awakening
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The Great Awakening

Americans are awakening from their political slumber. Many now see the danger to our country, but they need to properly channel their fear and anger. ...
C. Mitchell Shaw

Can you imagine being told in early 2020 that in the next 12 months you would be told to “shelter in place” in a quarantine for the non-sick? That millions of Americans would lose their jobs via government mandates? That businesses all over America would be shuttered, never to reopen? That going to church would be forbidden? That funerals and weddings would be limited (or banned) by government dictates? That classes, doctor appointments, and work meetings (for many of those fortunate enough to still be working) would be conducted over Internet video conferencing apps? That you would be required to wear a mask (or two) simply to go out in public? 

Can you further imagine being told that Antifa, BLM, and other leftist groups would spend months rioting, looting, and burning their way across more than 200 American cities while receiving praise from both liberal media and high-ranking Democrats? Could you imagine those Democrats publicly saying that America needs more of the behavior of Antifa and BLM and then turning on a dime to condemn conservatives for organizing pro-Trump rallies?

Could you imagine being told that millions of Americans would be allowed — or even required — to vote early or by mail in violation of various state election laws? And that votes would be counted by machines running questionable software while actively connected to the Internet? And that despite overwhelming evidence pointing to voter fraud, millions of suspicious votes would be certified to allow Joe Biden to take the election?

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