Inside Track

“Climate Change” No Cause for Alarm, Report Says

Climate change fossil fuel

Will “climate change” caused by the burning of fossil fuels bring death and destruction to the Earth? Not according to Dr. Indur Goklany, who, in a February report, argues that global warming, assuming it exists, not only is causing few of the negative outcomes the climate alarmists attribute to it, but is actually improving the planet.

“The standard narrative … is that climate change is already increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events (EWEs) and wildfires, reducing available water and crop yields, increasing diseases, hunger, poverty and human mortality, and reducing productivity of the biosphere and the habitat available for species,” Goklany writes in his report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation. “It is claimed that these and other climate change impacts are diminishing human and environmental wellbeing, and will reduce them further unless ‘drastic measures to achieve as quickly as possible zero net greenhouse gas emissions’ are taken.”

Hogwash, says the good doctor, who can hardly be considered a climate “denier” given that he helped establish the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

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