The Upside of Tax Relief Isn’t “Pillaging”

The Upside of Tax Relief Isn’t “Pillaging”

Democrats are criticizing the Trump tax cuts, saying they are only for the rich while the middle class gets "crumbs." In reality, the much-needed reforms are helping people across the board. ...

From the print edition of The New American

Correction, Please! The Upside of Tax Relief Isn’t “Pillaging”

A sampling of news articles:

Item: The print version of the New York Times for January 28, 2018, carried an editorial entitled “Tax Cuts Do Raise Pay, for Bosses.” (The online version said: “Are Corporate Tax Cuts Raising Pay? Yes, for Bosses.”) The Times noted that recent announcements by various large, well-known businesses “that they are giving workers raises, repatriating foreign profits and investing in the United States because of the tax bill Congress passed last year are clearly music to the ears of President Trump and Republican lawmakers. But these statements are also cleverly designed public relations spin that tells us little about the actual long-term economic impact of the tax law.”

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