Letters to the Editor

Deep State Societies

I greatly enjoyed your January 8, 2018 special issue about the Deep State. Being a Freemason myself, I would like to point out that there are definite differences between Anglo-American Masonic lodges that are affiliated with the United Grand Lodge of England, and European or Continental lodges that are affiliated with the Grand Orient de France. Anglo-American Masons have to declare a belief in a Supreme Being and are not allowed to discuss politics or sectarian religion at lodge. Masons associated with the Grand Orient do not have to believe in a Supreme Being and are often involved in radical political causes. In other words, the Continental Masons tend toward Illuminati-style beliefs and actions.

Concerning Professor Carroll Quigley, in Conspiracy: A Biblical View , author Gary North claims to have seen a letter written to Gary Allen in the late 1970s concerning a change of heart Professor Quigley had late in life. As many of your readers may remember, Allen authored the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy . The anonymous author of the letter told Allen “he had been a friend of Quigley’s and that at the end of his life, Quigley had concluded that the people he had dealt with in the book were not really public benefactors,” as he had believed when he wrote Tragedy and Hope . According to the letter writer, “Quigley had come to think of them in the same way Allen did, and ... had been very fearful of reprisals toward the end of his life.” I believe the anonymous letter writer was telling the truth.

 Arthur E. Nifong, Jr.

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