Exercising The Right

Arming Teachers

In the wake of the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, President Trump famously advised “arming teachers” to deal with school shooters, but the suggestion sent the anti-gun crowd into a tizzy. The left-wing activists who make up the base of the Democratic Party openly mocked the suggestion of teachers being armed, and many weak-willed Republicans tried to distance themselves from the concept. Deep Blue New York State even just recently passed a law that explicitly prohibited teachers from being armed. But Fox News reported on July 6 that roughly 30 Utah teachers attended training put on by law-enforcement officials about how to use firearms to properly respond to active shooter situations. Utah permits licensed gun owners to carry concealed weapons in public schools. Teachers who are licensed thought it would be a good idea to get some group training on how to most effectively respond to a scenario in which an active shooter targets their school. Local law enforcement was more than willing to step up and provide training because, as Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith told Fox News, “If teachers are going to be bringing firearms into schools, let’s make sure they know how to handle them safely.”

The training was held in a warehouse that resembled a school but also contained a shooting range. Teachers were instructed on both basic marksmanship skills and also where to place their shots on the body of an active shooter. Attendees also received training on emergency medical procedures for dealing with the type of traumatic wounds one might encounter at a mass shooting, such as how to properly pack an open wound and tie tourniquets. Fox News reported that at least half of the teachers who attended brought their own firearms and had positive things to say about the training. The training has grown so much in popularity that there is a waiting list to attend. And graduates of the course were quick to tout the benefits of the instruction. Nancy Miramontes, a school psychologist, told the Associated Press, “I know how to protect myself and my students now; I know what to expect if the worst happens.”

Carrying Father Saves Son

In a story out of Des Moines, Iowa, the local CBS affiliate reported on July 3 that a father was able to successfully save his son from a would-be carjacker using his concealed-carry firearm, without even firing a shot. The incident occurred as the father and son were going out for a day of fishing together. The two were getting into the father’s truck around 5 a.m. when a man with a criminal record made his move. When the 10-year-old son climbed into the truck’s passenger seat and was getting his seatbelt on, his father, Bret Ratkovich, ran back to grab something from the garage. That was when the suspect, later identified as Steven Wayne Six, made his move. Six, who has a long rap sheet for crimes such as burglary, allegedly ran up to the truck in an attempt to steal it. Ratkovich spotted the man and ran to confront him at the truck. 

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