Inside Track

Hungary Seeks Alliance to Oppose Migration and Support Christianity 

Hungary alliance oppose migration support Christianity
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Move over EU, there may be another alliance in town. While on our side of the Atlantic one Democratic presidential candidate promises to import 700-percent more “refugees” and another impugns Christianity, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is seeking a Baltic-state alliance to combat migration and support Christian culture.

This was the substance of a meeting this week between Orbán and Estonian Interior Minister Mart Helme, as Breitbart outlined July 10. “The talks occurred in Budapest and saw the Hungarian leader and Mr Helme, who also serves as deputy prime minister in Estonia, agree that protecting Christian culture and supporting effective control of the European Union external borders were priorities, Hungarian broadcaster MTVA reports.”

Fertility rates are below replacement level (2.1 children per woman) in virtually every Western/European nation and in the better part of 100 countries worldwide; Hungary’s and Estonia’s rates are, respectively, 1.46 and 1.60. The European Union’s average is 1.58.

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